Fast, Local Compilation

For simplicity, WarpX compilation with CMake by default downloads, configures and compiles compatible versions of central dependencies such as:

on-the-fly, which is called a superbuild.

In some scenarios, e.g., when compiling without internet, with slow internet access, or when working on WarpX and its dependencies, modifications to the superbuild strategy might be preferable. In the below workflows, you as the developer need to make sure to use compatible versions of the dependencies you provide.

Compiling From Local Sources

This workflow is best for developers that make changes to WarpX, AMReX, PICSAR, openPMD-api and/or pyAMReX at the same time. For instance, use this if you add a feature in AMReX and want to try it in WarpX before it is proposed as a pull request for inclusion in AMReX.

Instead of downloading the source code of the above dependencies, one can also use an already cloned source copy. For instance, clone these dependencies to $HOME/src:

cd $HOME/src

git clone warpx
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Now modify the dependencies as needed in their source locations, update sources if you cloned them earlier, etc. When building WarpX, the following CMake flags will use the respective local sources:

cd src/warpx

rm -rf build

cmake -S . -B build  \
  -DWarpX_PYTHON=ON  \
  -DWarpX_amrex_src=$HOME/src/amrex          \
  -DWarpX_openpmd_src=$HOME/src/openPMD-api  \
  -DWarpX_picsar_src=$HOME/src/picsar        \
  -DWarpX_pyamrex_src=$HOME/src/pyamrex      \

cmake --build build -j 8
cmake --build build -j 8 --target pip_install

Compiling With Pre-Compiled Dependencies

This workflow is the best and fastest to compile WarpX, when you just want to change code in WarpX and have the above central dependencies already made available in the right configurations (e.g., w/ or w/o MPI or GPU support) from a module system or package manager.

Instead of downloading the source code of the above central dependencies, or using a local copy of their source, we can compile and install those dependencies once. By setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to the respective dependency install location prefixes, we can instruct CMake to find their install locations and configurations.

WarpX supports this with the following CMake flags:

cd src/warpx

rm -rf build

cmake -S . -B build  \
  -DWarpX_PYTHON=ON  \
  -DWarpX_amrex_internal=OFF    \
  -DWarpX_openpmd_internal=OFF  \
  -DWarpX_picsar_internal=OFF   \
  -DWarpX_pyamrex_internal=OFF  \

cmake --build build -j 8
cmake --build build -j 8 --target pip_install

As a background, this is also the workflow how WarpX is built in package managers such as Spack and Conda-Forge.

Faster Python Builds

The Python bindings of WarpX and AMReX (pyAMReX) use pybind11. Since pybind11 relies heavily on C++ metaprogramming, speeding up the generated binding code requires that we perform a link-time optimization (LTO) step, also known as interprocedural optimization (IPO).

For fast local development cycles, one can skip LTO/IPO with the following flags:

cd src/warpx

cmake -S . -B build       \
  -DWarpX_PYTHON=ON       \

cmake --build build -j 8 --target pip_install


We might transition to nanobind in the future, which does not rely on LTO/IPO for optimal binaries. You can contribute to this pyAMReX pull request to help exploring this library (and if it works for the HPC/GPU compilers that we need to support).

For robustness, our pip_install target performs a regular wheel build and then installs it with pip. This step will check every time of WarpX dependencies are properly installed, to avoid broken installations. When developing without internet or after the first pip_install succeeded in repeated installations in rapid development cycles, this check of pip can be skipped by using the pip_install_nodeps target instead:

cmake --build build -j 8 --target pip_install_nodeps


WarpX builds will automatically search for CCache to speed up subsequent compilations in development cycles. Make sure a recent CCache version is installed to make use of this feature.

For power developers that switch a lot between fundamentally different WarpX configurations (e.g., 1D to 3D, GPU and CPU builds, many branches with different bases, developing AMReX and WarpX at the same time), also consider increasing the CCache cache size and changing the cache directory if needed, e.g., due to storage quota constraints or to choose a fast(er) filesystem for the cache files.