
WarpX is an advanced, time-based, electromagnetic & electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code.

It supports many features including:

  • Perfectly-Matched Layers (PML)

  • Boosted-frame simulations

  • Mesh refinement

For details on the algorithms that WarpX implements, see the theory section.

WarpX is a highly-parallel and highly-optimized code, which can run on GPUs and multi-core CPUs, and includes load balancing capabilities. WarpX scales to the world’s largest supercomputers and was awarded the 2022 ACM Gordon Bell Prize. In addition, WarpX is also a multi-platform code and runs on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Contact us

If you are starting using WarpX, or if you have a user question, please pop in our Gitter chat room and get in touch with the community.

The WarpX GitHub repo is the main communication platform. Have a look at the action icons on the top right of the web page: feel free to watch the repo if you want to receive updates, or to star the repo to support the project. For bug reports or to request new features, you can also open a new issue.

We also have a discussion page on which you can find already answered questions, add new questions, get help with installation procedures, discuss ideas or share comments.



Data Analysis



