Uniform Plasma

This example evolves a uniformly distributed, hot plasma over time.


For MPI-parallel runs, prefix these lines with mpiexec -n 4 ... or srun -n 4 ..., depending on the system.


TODO: This input file should be created following the inputs_3d file.

This example can be run either as WarpX executable using an input file: warpx.3d inputs_3d

Listing 63 You can copy this file from usage/examples/lwfa/inputs_3d.
max_step = 10
amr.n_cell =  64 32 32
amr.max_grid_size = 32
amr.blocking_factor = 16
amr.max_level = 0
geometry.dims = 3
geometry.prob_lo = -20.e-6   -20.e-6   -20.e-6    # physical domain
geometry.prob_hi =  20.e-6    20.e-6    20.e-6

####### Boundary condition ######
boundary.field_lo = periodic periodic periodic
boundary.field_hi = periodic periodic periodic

############ NUMERICS ###########
warpx.serialize_initial_conditions = 1
warpx.verbose = 1
warpx.cfl = 1.0

# Order of particle shape factors
algo.particle_shape = 1

############ PLASMA #############
particles.species_names = electrons

electrons.species_type = electron
electrons.injection_style = "NUniformPerCell"
electrons.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 1 1 2
electrons.profile = constant
electrons.density = 1.e25  # number of electrons per m^3
electrons.momentum_distribution_type = "gaussian"
electrons.ux_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum
electrons.uy_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum
electrons.uz_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum

# Diagnostics
diagnostics.diags_names = diag1 chk
diag1.intervals = 4
diag1.diag_type = Full
diag1.electrons.variables = ux uy uz w
diag1.fields_to_plot = Bx By Bz Ex Ey Ez jx jy jz rho

chk.intervals = 6
chk.diag_type = Full
chk.format = checkpoint


TODO: This input file should be created following the inputs_2d file.

This example can be run either as WarpX executable using an input file: warpx.2d inputs_2d

Listing 64 You can copy this file from usage/examples/lwfa/inputs_2d.
max_step = 10
amr.n_cell =  128 128
amr.max_grid_size = 64
amr.blocking_factor = 32
amr.max_level = 0
geometry.dims = 2
geometry.prob_lo = -20.e-6   -20.e-6    # physical domain
geometry.prob_hi =  20.e-6    20.e-6

####### Boundary condition ######
boundary.field_lo = periodic periodic
boundary.field_hi = periodic periodic

############ NUMERICS ###########
warpx.serialize_initial_conditions = 1
warpx.verbose = 1
warpx.cfl = 1.0
warpx.use_filter = 0

# Order of particle shape factors
algo.particle_shape = 1

############ PLASMA #############
particles.species_names = electrons

electrons.charge = -q_e
electrons.mass = m_e
electrons.injection_style = "NUniformPerCell"
electrons.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 2 2
electrons.profile = constant
electrons.density = 1.e25  # number of electrons per m^3
electrons.momentum_distribution_type = "gaussian"
electrons.ux_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum
electrons.uy_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum
electrons.uz_th  = 0.01 # uth the std of the (unitless) momentum

# Diagnostics
diagnostics.diags_names = diag1
diag1.intervals = 10
diag1.diag_type = Full



This section is TODO.



This section is TODO.