# Copyright 2017-2023 The WarpX Community
# This file is part of WarpX.
# Authors: David Grote, Roelof Groenewald, Axel Huebl
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL
import numpy as np
from ._libwarpx import libwarpx
from .LoadThirdParty import load_cupy
[docs]class ParticleContainerWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper around particle containers.
This provides a convenient way to query and set data in the particle containers.
species_name: string
The name of the species to be accessed.
def __init__(self, species_name):
self.name = species_name
# grab the desired particle container
mypc = libwarpx.warpx.multi_particle_container()
self.particle_container = mypc.get_particle_container_from_name(self.name)
[docs] def add_particles(
A function for adding particles to the WarpX simulation.
species_name : str
The type of species for which particles will be added
x, y, z : arrays or scalars
The particle positions (m) (default = 0.)
ux, uy, uz : arrays or scalars
The particle proper velocities (m/s) (default = 0.)
w : array or scalars
Particle weights (default = 0.)
unique_particles : bool
True means the added particles are duplicated by each process;
False means the number of added particles is independent of
the number of processes (default = True)
kwargs : dict
Containing an entry for all the extra particle attribute arrays. If
an attribute is not given it will be set to 0.
# --- Get length of arrays, set to one for scalars
lenx = np.size(x)
leny = np.size(y)
lenz = np.size(z)
lenux = np.size(ux)
lenuy = np.size(uy)
lenuz = np.size(uz)
lenw = np.size(w)
# --- Find the max length of the parameters supplied
maxlen = 0
if x is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenx)
if y is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, leny)
if z is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenz)
if ux is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenux)
if uy is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenuy)
if uz is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenuz)
if w is not None:
maxlen = max(maxlen, lenw)
# --- Make sure that the lengths of the input parameters are consistent
assert (
x is None or lenx == maxlen or lenx == 1
), "Length of x doesn't match len of others"
assert (
y is None or leny == maxlen or leny == 1
), "Length of y doesn't match len of others"
assert (
z is None or lenz == maxlen or lenz == 1
), "Length of z doesn't match len of others"
assert (
ux is None or lenux == maxlen or lenux == 1
), "Length of ux doesn't match len of others"
assert (
uy is None or lenuy == maxlen or lenuy == 1
), "Length of uy doesn't match len of others"
assert (
uz is None or lenuz == maxlen or lenuz == 1
), "Length of uz doesn't match len of others"
assert (
w is None or lenw == maxlen or lenw == 1
), "Length of w doesn't match len of others"
for key, val in kwargs.items():
assert (
np.size(val) == 1 or len(val) == maxlen
), f"Length of {key} doesn't match len of others"
# --- Broadcast scalars into appropriate length arrays
# --- If the parameter was not supplied, use the default value
if lenx == 1:
x = np.full(maxlen, (x or 0.0))
if leny == 1:
y = np.full(maxlen, (y or 0.0))
if lenz == 1:
z = np.full(maxlen, (z or 0.0))
if lenux == 1:
ux = np.full(maxlen, (ux or 0.0))
if lenuy == 1:
uy = np.full(maxlen, (uy or 0.0))
if lenuz == 1:
uz = np.full(maxlen, (uz or 0.0))
if lenw == 1:
w = np.full(maxlen, (w or 0.0))
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if np.size(val) == 1:
kwargs[key] = np.full(maxlen, val)
# --- The number of built in attributes
# --- The positions
built_in_attrs = libwarpx.dim
# --- The three velocities
built_in_attrs += 3
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
# --- With RZ, there is also theta
built_in_attrs += 1
# --- The number of extra attributes (including the weight)
nattr = self.particle_container.num_real_comps - built_in_attrs
attr = np.zeros((maxlen, nattr))
attr[:, 0] = w
# --- Note that the velocities are handled separately and not included in attr
# --- (even though they are stored as attributes in the C++)
for key, vals in kwargs.items():
attr[:, self.particle_container.get_comp_index(key) - built_in_attrs] = vals
nattr_int = 0
attr_int = np.empty([0], dtype=np.int32)
# TODO: expose ParticleReal through pyAMReX
# and cast arrays to the correct types, before calling add_n_particles
# x = x.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
# y = y.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
# z = z.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
# ux = ux.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
# uy = uy.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
# uz = uz.astype(self._numpy_particlereal_dtype, copy=False)
[docs] def get_particle_count(self, local=False):
Get the number of particles of this species in the simulation.
local : bool
If True the particle count on this processor will be returned.
Default False.
An integer count of the number of particles
return self.particle_container.total_number_of_particles(True, local)
nps = property(get_particle_count)
[docs] def add_real_comp(self, pid_name, comm=True):
Add a real component to the particle data array.
pid_name : str
Name that can be used to identify the new component
comm : bool
Should the component be communicated
self.particle_container.add_real_comp(pid_name, comm)
[docs] def get_particle_real_arrays(self, comp_name, level, copy_to_host=False):
This returns a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle real array data
on each tile for this process.
Unless copy_to_host is specified, the data for the arrays are not
copied, but share the underlying memory buffer with WarpX. The
arrays are fully writeable.
comp_name : str
The component of the array data that will be returned
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle array data
comp_idx = self.particle_container.get_comp_index(comp_name)
data_array = []
for pti in libwarpx.libwarpx_so.WarpXParIter(self.particle_container, level):
soa = pti.soa()
idx = soa.get_real_data(comp_idx)
if copy_to_host:
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
if cupy_status is not None:
data_array.append(xp.array(idx, copy=False))
return data_array
[docs] def get_particle_int_arrays(self, comp_name, level, copy_to_host=False):
This returns a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle int array data
on each tile for this process.
Unless copy_to_host is specified, the data for the arrays are not
copied, but share the underlying memory buffer with WarpX. The
arrays are fully writeable.
comp_name : str
The component of the array data that will be returned
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle array data
comp_idx = self.particle_container.get_icomp_index(comp_name)
data_array = []
for pti in libwarpx.libwarpx_so.WarpXParIter(self.particle_container, level):
soa = pti.soa()
idx = soa.get_int_data(comp_idx)
if copy_to_host:
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
if cupy_status is not None:
data_array.append(xp.array(idx, copy=False))
return data_array
[docs] def get_particle_idcpu_arrays(self, level, copy_to_host=False):
This returns a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle idcpu data
on each tile for this process.
Unless copy_to_host is specified, the data for the arrays are not
copied, but share the underlying memory buffer with WarpX. The
arrays are fully writeable.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle array data
data_array = []
for pti in libwarpx.libwarpx_so.WarpXParIter(self.particle_container, level):
soa = pti.soa()
idx = soa.get_idcpu_data()
if copy_to_host:
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
if cupy_status is not None:
data_array.append(xp.array(idx, copy=False))
return data_array
[docs] def get_particle_idcpu(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'idcpu'
numbers on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle idcpu
return self.get_particle_idcpu_arrays(level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
idcpu = property(get_particle_idcpu)
[docs] def get_particle_id(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'id'
numbers on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle ids
idcpu = self.get_particle_idcpu(level, copy_to_host)
return [libwarpx.amr.unpack_ids(tile) for tile in idcpu]
[docs] def get_particle_cpu(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'cpu'
numbers on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle cpus
idcpu = self.get_particle_idcpu(level, copy_to_host)
return [libwarpx.amr.unpack_cpus(tile) for tile in idcpu]
[docs] def get_particle_x(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'x'
positions on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle x position
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("x", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
xp = property(get_particle_x)
[docs] def get_particle_y(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'y'
positions on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle y position
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("y", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
yp = property(get_particle_y)
[docs] def get_particle_r(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'r'
positions on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle r position
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
return self.get_particle_x(level, copy_to_host)
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "3d":
x = self.get_particle_x(level, copy_to_host)
y = self.get_particle_y(level, copy_to_host)
return xp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "2d" or libwarpx.geometry_dim == "1d":
raise Exception(
"get_particle_r: There is no r coordinate with 1D or 2D Cartesian"
rp = property(get_particle_r)
[docs] def get_particle_theta(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle
theta on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle theta position
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("theta", level, copy_to_host)
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "3d":
x = self.get_particle_x(level, copy_to_host)
y = self.get_particle_y(level, copy_to_host)
return xp.arctan2(y, x)
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "2d" or libwarpx.geometry_dim == "1d":
raise Exception(
"get_particle_theta: There is no theta coordinate with 1D or 2D Cartesian"
thetap = property(get_particle_theta)
[docs] def get_particle_z(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle 'z'
positions on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle z position
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("z", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
zp = property(get_particle_z)
[docs] def get_particle_weight(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle
weight on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle weight
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("w", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
wp = property(get_particle_weight)
[docs] def get_particle_ux(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle
x momentum on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle x momentum
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("ux", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
uxp = property(get_particle_ux)
[docs] def get_particle_uy(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle
y momentum on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle y momentum
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("uy", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
uyp = property(get_particle_uy)
[docs] def get_particle_uz(self, level=0, copy_to_host=False):
Return a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle
z momentum on each tile.
level : int
The refinement level to reference (default=0)
copy_to_host : bool
For GPU-enabled runs, one can either return the GPU
arrays (the default) or force a device-to-host copy.
List of arrays
The requested particle z momentum
return self.get_particle_real_arrays("uz", level, copy_to_host=copy_to_host)
uzp = property(get_particle_uz)
[docs] def get_species_charge_sum(self, local=False):
Returns the total charge in the simulation due to the given species.
local : bool
If True return total charge per processor
return self.particle_container.sum_particle_charge(local)
def getex(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle E fields not supported")
ex = property(getex)
def getey(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle E fields not supported")
ey = property(getey)
def getez(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle E fields not supported")
ez = property(getez)
def getbx(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle B fields not supported")
bx = property(getbx)
def getby(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle B fields not supported")
by = property(getby)
def getbz(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Particle B fields not supported")
bz = property(getbz)
[docs] def deposit_charge_density(self, level, clear_rho=True, sync_rho=True):
Deposit this species' charge density in rho_fp in order to
access that data via pywarpx.fields.RhoFPWrapper().
species_name : str
The species name that will be deposited.
level : int
Which AMR level to retrieve scraped particle data from.
clear_rho : bool
If True, zero out rho_fp before deposition.
sync_rho : bool
If True, perform MPI exchange and properly set boundary cells for rho_fp.
rho_fp = libwarpx.warpx.multifab("rho_fp", level)
if rho_fp is None:
raise RuntimeError("Multifab `rho_fp` is not allocated.")
if clear_rho:
# deposit the charge density from the desired species
self.particle_container.deposit_charge(rho_fp, level)
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
libwarpx.warpx.apply_inverse_volume_scaling_to_charge_density(rho_fp, level)
if sync_rho:
[docs]class ParticleBoundaryBufferWrapper(object):
"""Wrapper around particle boundary buffer containers.
This provides a convenient way to query data in the particle boundary
buffer containers.
def __init__(self):
self.particle_buffer = libwarpx.warpx.get_particle_boundary_buffer()
[docs] def get_particle_boundary_buffer_size(self, species_name, boundary, local=False):
This returns the number of particles that have been scraped so far in the simulation
from the specified boundary and of the specified species.
species_name : str
Return the number of scraped particles of this species
boundary : str
The boundary from which to get the scraped particle data in the
form x/y/z_hi/lo
local : bool
Whether to only return the number of particles in the current
processor's buffer
return self.particle_buffer.get_num_particles_in_container(
species_name, self._get_boundary_number(boundary), local=local
[docs] def get_particle_boundary_buffer(self, species_name, boundary, comp_name, level):
This returns a list of numpy or cupy arrays containing the particle array data
for a species that has been scraped by a specific simulation boundary.
The data for the arrays are not copied, but share the underlying
memory buffer with WarpX. The arrays are fully writeable.
You can find `here https://github.com/ECP-WarpX/WarpX/blob/319e55b10ad4f7c71b84a4fb21afbafe1f5b65c2/Examples/Tests/particle_boundary_interaction/PICMI_inputs_rz.py`
an example of a simple case of particle-boundary interaction (reflection).
species_name : str
The species name that the data will be returned for.
boundary : str
The boundary from which to get the scraped particle data in the
form x/y/z_hi/lo or eb.
comp_name : str
The component of the array data that will be returned.
"x", "y", "z", "ux", "uy", "uz", "w"
if boundary='eb': "nx", "ny", "nz"
level : int
Which AMR level to retrieve scraped particle data from.
xp, cupy_status = load_cupy()
part_container = self.particle_buffer.get_particle_container(
species_name, self._get_boundary_number(boundary)
data_array = []
# loop over the real attributes
if comp_name in part_container.real_comp_names:
comp_idx = part_container.real_comp_names[comp_name]
for ii, pti in enumerate(
libwarpx.libwarpx_so.BoundaryBufferParIter(part_container, level)
soa = pti.soa()
data_array.append(xp.array(soa.get_real_data(comp_idx), copy=False))
# loop over the integer attributes
elif comp_name in part_container.int_comp_names:
comp_idx = part_container.int_comp_names[comp_name]
for ii, pti in enumerate(
libwarpx.libwarpx_so.BoundaryBufferParIter(part_container, level)
soa = pti.soa()
data_array.append(xp.array(soa.get_int_data(comp_idx), copy=False))
raise RuntimeError("Name %s not found" % comp_name)
return data_array
[docs] def clear_buffer(self):
Clear the buffer that holds the particles lost at the boundaries.
def _get_boundary_number(self, boundary):
Utility function to find the boundary number given a boundary name.
boundary : str
The boundary from which to get the scraped particle data. In the
form x/y/z_hi/lo or eb.
Integer index in the boundary scraper buffer for the given boundary.
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "3d":
dimensions = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "2d" or libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
dimensions = {"x": 0, "z": 1}
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "1d":
dimensions = {"z": 0}
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown simulation geometry: {libwarpx.geometry_dim}")
if boundary != "eb":
boundary_parts = boundary.split("_")
dim_num = dimensions[boundary_parts[0]]
if boundary_parts[1] == "lo":
side = 0
elif boundary_parts[1] == "hi":
side = 1
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown boundary specified: {boundary}")
boundary_num = 2 * dim_num + side
if libwarpx.geometry_dim == "3d":
boundary_num = 6
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "2d" or libwarpx.geometry_dim == "rz":
boundary_num = 4
elif libwarpx.geometry_dim == "1d":
boundary_num = 2
raise RuntimeError(
f"Unknown simulation geometry: {libwarpx.geometry_dim}"
return boundary_num