Beam-beam collision
This example shows how to simulate the collision between two ultra-relativistic particle beams. This is representative of what happens at the interaction point of a linear collider. We consider a right-propagating electron bunch colliding against a left-propagating positron bunch.
We turn on the Quantum Synchrotron QED module for photon emission (also known as beamstrahlung in the collider community) and the Breit-Wheeler QED module for the generation of electron-positron pairs (also known as coherent pair generation in the collider community).
To solve for the electromagnetic field we use the nodal version of the electrostatic relativistic solver.
This solver computes the average velocity of each species, and solves the corresponding relativistic Poisson equation (see the WarpX documentation for warpx.do_electrostatic = relativistic for more detail).
This solver accurately reproduces the subtle cancellation that occur for some component of E + v x B
, which are crucial in simulations of relativistic particles.
This example is based on the following paper Yakimenko et al. [9].
The PICMI input file is not available for this example yet.
For MPI-parallel runs, prefix these lines with mpiexec -n 4 ...
or srun -n 4 ...
, depending on the system.
########## MY CONSTANTS #########
my_constants.mc2 = m_e*clight*clight
my_constants.nano = 1.0e-9
my_constants.GeV = q_e*1.e9
my_constants.beam_energy = 125.*GeV
my_constants.beam_uz = beam_energy/(mc2)
my_constants.beam_charge = 0.14*nano
my_constants.sigmax = 10*nano
my_constants.sigmay = 10*nano
my_constants.sigmaz = 10*nano
my_constants.beam_uth = 0.1/100.*beam_uz
my_constants.n0 = beam_charge / (q_e * sigmax * sigmay * sigmaz * (2.*pi)**(3./2.))
my_constants.omegab = sqrt(n0 * q_e**2 / (epsilon0*m_e))
my_constants.mux = 0.0
my_constants.muy = 0.0
my_constants.muz = -0.5*Lz+3.2*sigmaz
my_constants.Lx = 100.0*clight/omegab
my_constants.Ly = 100.0*clight/omegab
my_constants.Lz = 180.0*clight/omegab
# for a full scale simulation use: nx, ny, nz = 512, 512, 1024
my_constants.nx = 64
my_constants.ny = 64 = 64
my_constants.T = 0.7*Lz/clight
my_constants.dt = sigmaz/clight/10.
my_constants.every_red = 1.
warpx.used_inputs_file = warpx_used_inputs.txt
stop_time = T
amr.n_cell = nx ny nz
amr.max_grid_size = 128
amr.blocking_factor = 2
amr.max_level = 0
geometry.dims = 3
geometry.prob_lo = -0.5*Lx -0.5*Ly -0.5*Lz
geometry.prob_hi = 0.5*Lx 0.5*Ly 0.5*Lz
boundary.field_lo = PEC PEC PEC
boundary.field_hi = PEC PEC PEC
boundary.particle_lo = Absorbing Absorbing Absorbing
boundary.particle_hi = Absorbing Absorbing Absorbing
############ NUMERICS ###########
warpx.do_electrostatic = relativistic
warpx.const_dt = dt
warpx.grid_type = collocated
algo.particle_shape = 3
algo.particle_pusher = vay
########### PARTICLES ###########
particles.species_names = beam1 beam2 pho1 pho2 ele1 pos1 ele2 pos2
particles.photon_species = pho1 pho2
beam1.species_type = electron
beam1.injection_style = NUniformPerCell
beam1.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 1 1 1
beam1.profile = parse_density_function
beam1.density_function(x,y,z) = "n0 * exp(-(x-mux)**2/(2*sigmax**2)) * exp(-(y-muy)**2/(2*sigmay**2)) * exp(-(z-muz)**2/(2*sigmaz**2))"
beam1.density_min = n0 / 1e3
beam1.momentum_distribution_type = gaussian
beam1.uz_m = beam_uz
beam1.uy_m = 0.0
beam1.ux_m = 0.0
beam1.ux_th = beam_uth
beam1.uy_th = beam_uth
beam1.uz_th = beam_uth
beam1.initialize_self_fields = 1
beam1.self_fields_required_precision = 5e-10
beam1.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
beam1.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
beam1.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho1
beam1.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
beam2.species_type = positron
beam2.injection_style = NUniformPerCell
beam2.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim = 1 1 1
beam2.profile = parse_density_function
beam2.density_function(x,y,z) = "n0 * exp(-(x-mux)**2/(2*sigmax**2)) * exp(-(y-muy)**2/(2*sigmay**2)) * exp(-(z+muz)**2/(2*sigmaz**2))"
beam2.density_min = n0 / 1e3
beam2.momentum_distribution_type = gaussian
beam2.uz_m = -beam_uz
beam2.uy_m = 0.0
beam2.ux_m = 0.0
beam2.ux_th = beam_uth
beam2.uy_th = beam_uth
beam2.uz_th = beam_uth
beam2.initialize_self_fields = 1
beam2.self_fields_required_precision = 5e-10
beam2.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
beam2.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
beam2.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho2
beam2.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
pho1.species_type = photon
pho1.injection_style = none
pho1.do_qed_breit_wheeler = 1
pho1.qed_breit_wheeler_ele_product_species = ele1
pho1.qed_breit_wheeler_pos_product_species = pos1
pho2.species_type = photon
pho2.injection_style = none
pho2.do_qed_breit_wheeler = 1
pho2.qed_breit_wheeler_ele_product_species = ele2
pho2.qed_breit_wheeler_pos_product_species = pos2
ele1.species_type = electron
ele1.injection_style = none
ele1.self_fields_required_precision = 1e-11
ele1.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
ele1.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
ele1.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho1
ele1.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
pos1.species_type = positron
pos1.injection_style = none
pos1.self_fields_required_precision = 1e-11
pos1.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
pos1.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
pos1.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho1
pos1.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
ele2.species_type = electron
ele2.injection_style = none
ele2.self_fields_required_precision = 1e-11
ele2.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
ele2.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
ele2.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho2
ele2.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
pos2.species_type = positron
pos2.injection_style = none
pos2.self_fields_required_precision = 1e-11
pos2.self_fields_max_iters = 10000
pos2.do_qed_quantum_sync = 1
pos2.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species = pho2
pos2.do_classical_radiation_reaction = 0
pho1.species_type = photon
pho1.injection_style = none
pho1.do_qed_breit_wheeler = 1
pho1.qed_breit_wheeler_ele_product_species = ele1
pho1.qed_breit_wheeler_pos_product_species = pos1
pho2.species_type = photon
pho2.injection_style = none
pho2.do_qed_breit_wheeler = 1
pho2.qed_breit_wheeler_ele_product_species = ele2
pho2.qed_breit_wheeler_pos_product_species = pos2
############# QED ###############
qed_qs.photon_creation_energy_threshold = 0.
qed_qs.lookup_table_mode = builtin
qed_qs.chi_min = 1.e-3
qed_bw.lookup_table_mode = builtin
qed_bw.chi_min = 1.e-2
# for accurate results use the generated tables with
# the following parameters
# note: must compile with -DWarpX_QED_TABLE_GEN=ON
#qed_qs.lookup_table_mode = generate
#qed_bw.lookup_table_mode = generate
# if you wish to use existing tables:
#qed_qs.load_table_from = /path/to/my_qs_table.txt
#qed_bw.load_table_from = /path/to/my_bw_table.txt
warpx.do_qed_schwinger = 0.
######### DIAGNOSTICS ###########
diagnostics.diags_names = diag1
diag1.intervals = 15
diag1.diag_type = Full
diag1.write_species = 1
diag1.fields_to_plot = Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz rho_beam1 rho_beam2 rho_ele1 rho_pos1 rho_ele2 rho_pos2
diag1.format = openpmd
diag1.dump_last_timestep = 1
diag1.species = pho1 pho2 ele1 pos1 ele2 pos2 beam1 beam2
warpx.reduced_diags_names = ParticleNumber ColliderRelevant_beam1_beam2
ColliderRelevant_beam1_beam2.type = ColliderRelevant
ColliderRelevant_beam1_beam2.intervals = every_red
ColliderRelevant_beam1_beam2.species = beam1 beam2
ParticleNumber.type = ParticleNumber
ParticleNumber.intervals = every_red
QED tables
The quantum synchrotron and nonlinear Breit-Wheeler modules are based on a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes the probabilities of an event from tabulated values. WarpX comes with builtin tables (see the input file above), however these are low resolution tables that may not provide accurate results. There are two ways to generate your own lookup table:
Inside WarpX, at runtime: the tables are generated by WarpX itself at the beginning of the simulation. This requires to compile WarpX with
and to add the desired tables parameters in WarpX’s input file. Here are more details.Outside of WarpX, using an external table generator: the tables are pregenerated, before running the actual simulation. This standalone tool can be compiled at the same time as WarpX using
. The table parameters are then passed to the table generator and do not need to be added to WarpX’s input file. Here are more details.
Once the tables have been generated, they can be loaded in the input file using
and qed_qs,bw.load_table_from=/path/to/your/table
The figure below shows the number of photons emitted per beam particle (left) and the number of secondary pairs generated per beam particle (right).
We compare different results for the reduced diagnostics with the literature:
* (red) simplified WarpX simulation as the example stored in the directory /Examples/Physics_applications/beam-beam_collision
* (blue) large-scale WarpX simulation (high resolution and ad hoc generated tables ;
* (black) literature results from Yakimenko et al. [9].
The small-scale simulation has been performed with a resolution of nx = 64, ny = 64, nz = 64
grid cells, while the large-scale one has a much higher resolution of nx = 512, ny = 512, nz = 1024
Moreover, the large-scale simulation uses dedicated QED lookup tables instead of the builtin tables.
For the large-scale simulation we have used the following options (added to the input file):
qed_qs.lookup_table_mode = generate
qed_bw.lookup_table_mode = generate
The same table can be also obtained using the table generator with the following lines:
./qed_table_generator --table QS --mode DP -o my_qs_table.txt \
--dndt_chi_min 1e-3 --dndt_chi_max 2e3 --dndt_how_many 512 \
--em_chi_min 1e-3 --em_chi_max 2e3 --em_frac_min 1e-12 --em_chi_how_many 512 --em_frac_how_many 512
./qed_table_generator --table BW --mode DP -o my_bw_table.txt \
--dndt_chi_min 1e-2 --dndt_chi_max 2e3 --dndt_how_many 512 --pair_chi_min 1e-2 --pair_chi_max 2e3 --pair_chi_how_many 512 --pair_frac_how_many 512
Below are two visualizations scripts that provide examples to graph the field and reduced diagnostics.
They are available in the Examples/Physics_applications/beam-beam_collision/
folder and can be run as simply as python3
and python3
This script visualizes the evolution of the fields (\(|E|, |B|, \rho\)) during the collision between the two ultra-relativistic lepton beams. The magnitude of E and B and the charge densities of the primary beams and of the secondary pairs are sliced along either one of the two transverse coordinates (\(x\) and \(y\)).
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable
from openpmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries
plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 16})
series = OpenPMDTimeSeries("./diags/diag1")
steps = series.iterations
for slice_axis in ["x", "y"]: # slice the fields along x and y
for n in steps: # loop through the available timesteps
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300, sharex=True, sharey=True
# get E field
Ex, info = series.get_field(
field="E", coord="x", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
Ey, info = series.get_field(
field="E", coord="y", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
Ez, info = series.get_field(
field="E", coord="z", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
# get B field
Bx, info = series.get_field(
field="B", coord="x", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
By, info = series.get_field(
field="B", coord="y", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
Bz, info = series.get_field(
field="B", coord="z", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
# get charge densities
rho_beam1, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_beam1", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
rho_beam2, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_beam2", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
rho_ele1, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_ele1", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
rho_pos1, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_pos1", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
rho_ele2, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_ele2", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
rho_pos2, info = series.get_field(
field="rho_pos2", iteration=n, plot=False, slice_across=slice_axis
xmin = info.z.min()
xmax = info.z.max()
xlabel = "z [m]"
if slice_axis == "x":
ymin = info.y.min()
ymax = info.y.max()
ylabel = "y [m]"
elif slice_axis == "y":
ymin = info.x.min()
ymax = info.x.max()
ylabel = "x [m]"
# plot E magnitude
Emag = np.sqrt(Ex**2 + Ey**2 + Ez**2)
im = ax[0, 0].imshow(
extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
ax[0, 0].set_title("E [V/m]")
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[0, 0])
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical")
# plot B magnitude
Bmag = np.sqrt(Bx**2 + By**2 + Bz**2)
im = ax[1, 0].imshow(
extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
ax[1, 0].set_title("B [T]")
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1, 0])
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical")
# plot beam densities
rho_beams = rho_beam1 + rho_beam2
im = ax[0, 1].imshow(
extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
ax[0, 1].set_title(r"$\rho$ beams [C/m$^3$]")
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[0, 1])
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical")
# plot secondary densities
rho2 = rho_ele1 + rho_pos1 + rho_ele2 + rho_pos2
im = ax[1, 1].imshow(
extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
ax[1, 1].set_title(r"$\rho$ secondaries [C/m$^3$]")
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1, 1])
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical")
for a in ax[-1, :].reshape(-1):
for a in ax[:, 0].reshape(-1):
fig.suptitle(f"Iteration = {n}, time [s] = {series.current_t}", fontsize=20)
image_file_name = "FIELDS_" + slice_axis + f"_{n:03d}.png"
plt.savefig(image_file_name, dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight")
A similar script to the one below was used to produce the image showing the benchmark against Yakimenko et al. [9].
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.constants import c, nano, physical_constants
r_e = physical_constants["classical electron radius"][0]
my_dpi = 300
sigmaz = 10 * nano
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(2000.0 / my_dpi, 1000.0 / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi
rdir = "./diags/reducedfiles/"
df_cr = pd.read_csv(f"{rdir}" + "ColliderRelevant_beam1_beam2.txt", sep=" ", header=0)
df_pn = pd.read_csv(f"{rdir}" + "ParticleNumber.txt", sep=" ", header=0)
times = df_cr[[col for col in df_cr.columns if "]time" in col]].to_numpy()
steps = df_cr[[col for col in df_cr.columns if "]step" in col]].to_numpy()
x = df_cr[[col for col in df_cr.columns if "]dL_dt" in col]].to_numpy()
coll_index = np.argmax(x)
coll_time = times[coll_index]
# number of photons per beam particle
np1 = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]pho1_weight" in col]].to_numpy()
np2 = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]pho2_weight" in col]].to_numpy()
Ne = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]beam1_weight" in col]].to_numpy()[0]
Np = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]beam2_weight" in col]].to_numpy()[0]
ax[0].plot((times - coll_time) / (sigmaz / c), (np1 + np2) / (Ne + Np), lw=2)
ax[0].set_title(r"photon number/beam particle")
# number of NLBW particles per beam particle
e1 = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]ele1_weight" in col]].to_numpy()
e2 = df_pn[[col for col in df_pn.columns if "]ele2_weight" in col]].to_numpy()
ax[1].plot((times - coll_time) / (sigmaz / c), (e1 + e2) / (Ne + Np), lw=2)
ax[1].set_title(r"NLBW particles/beam particle")
for a in ax.reshape(-1):
a.set_xlabel(r"time [$\sigma_z/c$]")
image_file_name = "reduced.png"
plt.savefig(image_file_name, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")