

Add info on staggering and domain decomposition. Synchronize with section initialization.

The main fields are the electric field Efield, the magnetic field Bfield, the current density current and the charge density rho. When a divergence-cleaner is used, we add another field F (containing \(\vec \nabla \cdot \vec E - \rho\)).

Due the AMR strategy used in WarpX (see section Theory: AMR for a complete description), each field on a given refinement level lev (except for the coarsest 0) is defined on:

  • the fine patch (suffix _fp, the actual resolution on lev).

  • the coarse patch (suffix _cp, same physical domain with the resolution of MR level lev-1).

  • the auxiliary grid (suffix _aux, same resolution as _fp), from which the fields are gathered from the grids to particle positions. For this reason. only E and B are defined on this _aux grid (not the current density or charge density).

  • In some conditions, i.e., when buffers are used for the field gather (for numerical reasons), a copy of E and B on the auxiliary grid _aux of the level below lev-1 is stored in fields with suffix _cax (for coarse aux).

As an example, the structures for the electric field are Efield_fp, Efield_cp, Efield_aux (and optionally Efield_cax).


All the fields described above are public members of class WarpX, defined in WarpX.H. They are defined as an amrex::Vector (over MR levels) of std::array (for the 3 spatial components \(E_x\), \(E_y\), \(E_z\)) of std::unique_ptr of amrex::MultiFab, i.e.:

amrex::Vector<std::array< std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3 > > Efield_fp;

Hence, Ex on MR level lev is a pointer to an amrex::MultiFab. The other fields are organized in the same way.

Allocation and initialization

The MultiFab constructor (for, e.g., Ex on level lev) is called in WarpX::AllocLevelMFs.

By default, the MultiFab are set to 0 at initialization. They can be assigned a different value in WarpX::InitLevelData.

Field Names

The commonly used WarpX field names are defined in:

enum class warpx::fields::FieldType : int

Unique identifiers for WarpX scalar and vector fields.

These are implemented as amrex::MultiFab (one or one per component “direction”, respectively) and stored in the ablastr::fields::MultiFabRegister .


enumerator None
enumerator Efield_aux

Field that the particles gather from. Obtained from Efield_fp (and Efield_cp when using MR); see UpdateAuxilaryData

enumerator Bfield_aux

Field that the particles gather from. Obtained from Bfield_fp (and Bfield_cp when using MR); see UpdateAuxilaryData

enumerator Efield_fp

The field that is updated by the field solver at each timestep

enumerator Bfield_fp

The field that is updated by the field solver at each timestep

enumerator Efield_fp_external

Stores grid particle fields provided by the user as through an openPMD file

enumerator Bfield_fp_external

Stores grid particle fields provided by the user as through an openPMD file

enumerator current_fp

The current that is used as a source for the field solver

enumerator current_fp_nodal

Only used when using nodal current deposition

enumerator current_fp_vay

Only used when using Vay current deposition

enumerator current_buf

Particles that are close to the edge of the MR patch (i.e. in the deposition buffer) deposit to this field.

enumerator current_store

Only used when doing subcycling with mesh refinement, for book-keeping of currents

enumerator rho_buf

Particles that are close to the edge of the MR patch (i.e. in the deposition buffer) deposit to this field.

enumerator rho_fp

The charge density that is used as a source for the field solver (mostly for labframe electrostatic and PSATD)

enumerator F_fp

Used for divE cleaning

enumerator G_fp

Used for divB cleaning

enumerator phi_fp

Obtained by the Poisson solver, for labframe electrostatic

enumerator vector_potential_fp

Obtained by the magnetostatic solver

enumerator vector_potential_fp_nodal
enumerator vector_potential_grad_buf_e_stag
enumerator vector_potential_grad_buf_b_stag
enumerator hybrid_electron_pressure_fp

Used with Ohm’s law solver. Stores the electron pressure

enumerator hybrid_rho_fp_temp

Used with Ohm’s law solver. Stores the time interpolated/extrapolated charge density

enumerator hybrid_current_fp_temp

Used with Ohm’s law solver. Stores the time interpolated/extrapolated current density

enumerator hybrid_current_fp_plasma

Used with Ohm’s law solver. Stores plasma current calculated as J_plasma = curl x B / mu0 - J_ext

enumerator hybrid_current_fp_external

Used with Ohm’s law solver. Stores external current

enumerator Efield_cp

Only used with MR. The field that is updated by the field solver at each timestep, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator Bfield_cp

Only used with MR. The field that is updated by the field solver at each timestep, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator current_cp

Only used with MR. The current that is used as a source for the field solver, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator rho_cp

Only used with MR. The charge density that is used as a source for the field solver, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator F_cp

Only used with MR. Used for divE cleaning, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator G_cp

Only used with MR. Used for divB cleaning, on the coarse patch of each level

enumerator Efield_cax

Only used with MR. Particles that are close to the edge of the MR patch (i.e. in the gather buffer) gather from this field

enumerator Bfield_cax

Only used with MR. Particles that are close to the edge of the MR patch (i.e. in the gather buffer) gather from this field

enumerator E_external_particle_field

Stores external particle fields provided by the user as through an openPMD file

enumerator B_external_particle_field

Stores external particle fields provided by the user as through an openPMD file

enumerator distance_to_eb

Only used with embedded boundaries (EB). Stores the distance to the nearest EB

enumerator edge_lengths

Only used with embedded boundaries (EB). Indicates the length of the cell edge that is covered by the EB, in SI units

enumerator face_areas

Only used with embedded boundaries (EB). Indicates the area of the cell face that is covered by the EB, in SI units

enumerator area_mod
enumerator pml_E_fp
enumerator pml_B_fp
enumerator pml_j_fp
enumerator pml_F_fp
enumerator pml_G_fp
enumerator pml_E_cp
enumerator pml_B_cp
enumerator pml_j_cp
enumerator pml_F_cp
enumerator pml_G_cp
enumerator pml_edge_lengths
enumerator Efield_avg_fp
enumerator Bfield_avg_fp
enumerator Efield_avg_cp
enumerator Bfield_avg_cp
enumerator B_old

Stores the value of B at the beginning of the timestep, for the implicit solver

enumerator ECTRhofield
enumerator Venl

Field solver

The field solver is performed in WarpX::EvolveE for the electric field and WarpX::EvolveB for the magnetic field, called from WarpX::OneStep_nosub in WarpX::Evolve. This section describes the FDTD field push. It is implemented in Source/FieldSolver/FiniteDifferenceSolver/.

As all cell-wise operation, the field push is done as follows (this is split in multiple functions in the actual implementation to avoid code duplication) :

 // Loop over MR levels
 for (int lev = 0; lev <= finest_level; ++lev) {
    // Get pointer to MultiFab Ex on level lev
    MultiFab* Ex = Efield_fp[lev][0].get();
    // Loop over boxes (or tiles if not on GPU)
    for ( MFIter mfi(*Ex, TilingIfNotGPU()); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi ) {
        // Apply field solver on the FAB

The innermost step // Apply field solver on the FAB could be done with 3 nested for loops for the 3 dimensions (in 3D). However, for portability reasons (see section Developers: Portability), this is done in two steps: (i) extract AMReX data structures into plain-old-data simple structures, and (ii) call a general ParallelFor function (translated into nested loops on CPU or a kernel launch on GPU, for instance):

// Get Box corresponding to the current MFIter
const Box& tex  = mfi.tilebox(Ex_nodal_flag);
// Extract the FArrayBox into a simple structure, for portability
Array4<Real> const& Exfab = Ex->array(mfi);
// Loop over cells and perform stencil operation
    [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int j, int k, int l)
        Ex(i, j, k) += c2 * dt * (
            - T_Algo::DownwardDz(By, coefs_z, n_coefs_z, i, j, k)
            + T_Algo::DownwardDy(Bz, coefs_y, n_coefs_y, i, j, k)
            - PhysConst::mu0 * jx(i, j, k) );

where T_Algo::DownwardDz and T_Algo::DownwardDy represent the discretized derivative for a given algorithm (represented by the template parameter T_Algo). The available discretization algorithms can be found in Source/FieldSolver/FiniteDifferenceSolver/FiniteDifferenceAlgorithms.

Guard cells exchanges

Communications are mostly handled in Source/Parallelization/.

For E and B guard cell exchanges, the main functions are variants of amrex::FillBoundary(amrex::MultiFab, ...) (or amrex::MultiFab::FillBoundary(...)) that fill guard cells of all amrex::FArrayBox in an amrex::MultiFab with valid cells of corresponding amrex::FArrayBox neighbors of the same amrex::MultiFab. There are a number of FillBoundaryE, FillBoundaryB etc. Under the hood, amrex::FillBoundary calls amrex::ParallelCopy, which is also sometimes directly called in WarpX. Most calls a

For the current density, the valid cells of neighboring MultiFabs are accumulated (added) rather than just copied. This is done using amrex::MultiFab::SumBoundary, and mostly located in Source/Parallelization/WarpXSumGuardCells.H.

Interpolations for MR

This is mostly implemented in Source/Parallelization, see the following functions (you may complain to the authors if the documentation is empty)

void WarpX::SyncCurrent(const std::string &current_fp_string)

Apply filter and sum guard cells across MR levels. If current centering is used, center the current from a nodal grid to a staggered grid. For each MR level beyond level 0, interpolate the fine-patch current onto the coarse-patch current at the same level. Then, for each MR level, including level 0, apply filter and sum guard cells across levels.


current_fp_string[in] the coarse of fine patch to use for current

void WarpX::RestrictCurrentFromFineToCoarsePatch(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &J_fp, const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &J_cp, int lev)

Fills the values of the current on the coarse patch by averaging the values of the current of the fine patch (on the same level).

void WarpX::AddCurrentFromFineLevelandSumBoundary(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &J_fp, const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &J_cp, const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &J_buffer, int lev)


General functions for filtering can be found in Source/Filter/, where the main Filter class is defined (see below). All filters (so far there are two of them) in WarpX derive from this class.

class Filter

Subclassed by BilinearFilter, NCIGodfreyFilter

Bilinear filter

The multi-pass bilinear filter (applied on the current density) is implemented in Source/Filter/, and class WarpX holds an instance of this class in member variable WarpX::bilinear_filter. For performance reasons (to avoid creating too many guard cells), this filter is directly applied in communication routines, see WarpX::AddCurrentFromFineLevelandSumBoundary above and


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “WarpX::ApplyFilterMF” with arguments (const amrex::Vector<std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3>>&, int, int) in doxygen xml output for project “WarpX” from directory: ../doxyxml/. Potential matches:

- void ApplyFilterMF(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &mfvec, int lev)
- void ApplyFilterMF(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &mfvec, int lev, int idim)


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “WarpX::SumBoundaryJ” with arguments (const amrex::Vector<std::array<std::unique_ptr<amrex::MultiFab>, 3>>&, int, int, const amrex::Periodicity&) in doxygen xml output for project “WarpX” from directory: ../doxyxml/. Potential matches:

- void SumBoundaryJ(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &current, int lev, const amrex::Periodicity &period)
- void SumBoundaryJ(const ablastr::fields::MultiLevelVectorField &current, int lev, int idim, const amrex::Periodicity &period)

Godfrey’s anti-NCI filter for FDTD simulations

This filter is applied on the electric and magnetic field (on the auxiliary grid) to suppress the Numerical Cherenkov Instability when running FDTD. It is implemented in Source/Filter/, and there are two different stencils, one for Ex, Ey and Bz and the other for Ez, Bx and By.

class NCIGodfreyFilter : public Filter

Class for Godfrey’s filter to suppress Numerical Cherenkov Instability.

It derives from the base class Filter. The filter stencil is initialized in method ComputeStencils. Computing the stencil requires to read parameters from a table, where each lines stands for a value of c*dt/dz. The filter is applied using the base class’ method ApplyStencil.

The class WarpX holds two corresponding instances of this class in member variables WarpX::nci_godfrey_filter_exeybz and WarpX::nci_godfrey_filter_bxbyez. It is a 9-point stencil (is the z direction only), for which the coefficients are computed using tabulated values (depending on dz/dx) in Source/Utils/NCIGodfreyTables.H, see variable table_nci_godfrey_galerkin_Ex_Ey_Bz. The filter is applied in PhysicalParticleContainer::Evolve, right after field gather and before particle push, see

void PhysicalParticleContainer::applyNCIFilter(int lev, const amrex::Box &box, amrex::Elixir &exeli, amrex::Elixir &eyeli, amrex::Elixir &ezeli, amrex::Elixir &bxeli, amrex::Elixir &byeli, amrex::Elixir &bzeli, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_Ex, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_Ey, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_Ez, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_Bx, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_By, amrex::FArrayBox &filtered_Bz, const amrex::FArrayBox &Ex, const amrex::FArrayBox &Ey, const amrex::FArrayBox &Ez, const amrex::FArrayBox &Bx, const amrex::FArrayBox &By, const amrex::FArrayBox &Bz, amrex::FArrayBox const *&ex_ptr, amrex::FArrayBox const *&ey_ptr, amrex::FArrayBox const *&ez_ptr, amrex::FArrayBox const *&bx_ptr, amrex::FArrayBox const *&by_ptr, amrex::FArrayBox const *&bz_ptr)

Apply NCI Godfrey filter to all components of E and B before gather.

The NCI Godfrey filter is applied on Ex, the result is stored in filtered_Ex and the pointer exfab is modified (before this function is called, it points to Ex and after this function is called, it points to Ex_filtered)

  • lev – MR level

  • box – box onto which the filter is applied

  • exeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field Ex

  • eyeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field Ey

  • ezeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field Ez

  • bxeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field Bx

  • byeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field By

  • bzeli – safeguard Elixir object (to avoid de-allocating too early &#8212;between ParIter iterations&#8212; on GPU) for field Bz

  • filtered_Ex – Array containing filtered value

  • filtered_Ey – Array containing filtered value

  • filtered_Ez – Array containing filtered value

  • filtered_Bx – Array containing filtered value

  • filtered_By – Array containing filtered value

  • filtered_Bz – Array containing filtered value

  • Ex – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • Ey – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • Ez – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • Bx – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • By – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • Bz – Field array before filtering (not modified)

  • ex_ptr – pointer to the Ex field (modified)

  • ey_ptr – pointer to the Ey field (modified)

  • ez_ptr – pointer to the Ez field (modified)

  • bx_ptr – pointer to the Bx field (modified)

  • by_ptr – pointer to the By field (modified)

  • bz_ptr – pointer to the Bz field (modified)