Summit (OLCF)

The Summit cluster is located at OLCF.

On Summit, each compute node provides six V100 GPUs (16GB) and two Power9 CPUs.


If you are new to this system, please see the following resources:

  • Summit user guide

  • Batch system: LSF

  • Jupyter service

  • Filesystems:

    • $HOME: per-user directory, use only for inputs, source and scripts; backed up; mounted as read-only on compute nodes, that means you cannot run in it (50 GB quota)

    • $PROJWORK/$proj/: shared with all members of a project, purged every 90 days, GPFS (recommended)

    • $MEMBERWORK/$proj/: single user, purged every 90 days, GPFS (usually smaller quota)

    • $WORLDWORK/$proj/: shared with all users, purged every 90 days, GPFS

    • /ccs/proj/$proj/: another, non-GPFS, file system for software and smaller data.

Note: the Alpine GPFS filesystem on Summit and the new Orion Lustre filesystem on Frontier are not mounted on each others machines. Use Globus to transfer data between them if needed.


Use the following commands to download the WarpX source code:

git clone $HOME/src/warpx

We use system software modules, add environment hints and further dependencies via the file $HOME/summit_warpx.profile. Create it now:

cp $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/summit-olcf/summit_warpx.profile.example $HOME/summit_warpx.profile
Script Details
# please set your project account
export proj=""  # change me!

# remembers the location of this script
export MY_PROFILE=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)"/"$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)
if [ -z ${proj-} ]; then echo "WARNING: The 'proj' variable is not yet set in your $MY_PROFILE file! Please edit its line 2 to continue!"; return; fi

# optional: just an additional text editor
module load nano

# required dependencies
module load cmake/3.20.2
module load gcc/9.3.0
module load cuda/11.3.1

# optional: faster re-builds
module load ccache
module load ninja

# optional: for PSATD in RZ geometry support
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/blaspp-master:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/lapackpp-master:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/blaspp-master/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/lapackpp-master/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# optional: for QED lookup table generation support
module load boost/1.76.0

# optional: for openPMD support
module load adios2/2.8.1
module load hdf5/1.12.2

# optional: for openPMD support (GNUmake only)
#module load ums
#module load ums-aph114
#module load openpmd-api/0.15.1

# often unstable at runtime with dependencies
module unload darshan-runtime

# optional: Ascent in situ support
#   note: build WarpX with CMake
export Ascent_DIR=/sw/summit/ums/ums010/ascent/0.8.0_warpx/summit/cuda/gnu/ascent-install/

# optional: for Python bindings or libEnsemble
module load python/3.8.10
module load freetype/2.10.4     # matplotlib

# dependencies for numpy, blaspp & lapackpp
module load openblas/0.3.5-omp

# dependency for pyTorch
module load magma

if [ -d "/ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/venvs/warpx-summit" ]
  source /ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/venvs/warpx-summit/bin/activate

# an alias to request an interactive batch node for two hours
#   for paralle execution, start on the batch node: jsrun <command>
alias getNode="bsub -q debug -P $proj -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -Is /bin/bash"
# an alias to run a command on a batch node for up to 30min
#   usage: runNode <command>
alias runNode="bsub -q debug -P $proj -W 2:00 -nnodes 1 -I"

# fix system defaults: do not escape $ with a \ on tab completion
shopt -s direxpand

# make output group-readable by default
umask 0027

# optimize CUDA compilation for V100
export AMREX_CUDA_ARCH=7.0

# compiler environment hints
export CC=$(which gcc)
export CXX=$(which g++)
export FC=$(which gfortran)
export CUDACXX=$(which nvcc)
export CUDAHOSTCXX=$(which g++)

Edit the 2nd line of this script, which sets the export proj="" variable. For example, if you are member of the project aph114, then run vi $HOME/summit_warpx.profile. Enter the edit mode by typing i and edit line 2 to read:

export proj="aph114"

Exit the vi editor with Esc and then type :wq (write & quit).


Now, and as the first step on future logins to Summit, activate these environment settings:

source $HOME/summit_warpx.profile

Finally, since Summit does not yet provide software modules for some of our dependencies, install them once:

bash $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/summit-olcf/
source /ccs/proj/$proj/${USER}/sw/summit/gpu/venvs/warpx-summit/bin/activate
Script Details
# Copyright 2023 The WarpX Community
# This file is part of WarpX.
# Author: Axel Huebl
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL

# Exit on first error encountered #############################################
set -eu -o pipefail

# Check: ######################################################################
#   Was perlmutter_gpu_warpx.profile sourced and configured correctly?
if [ -z ${proj-} ]; then echo "WARNING: The 'proj' variable is not yet set in your summit_warpx.profile file! Please edit its line 2 to continue!"; exit 1; fi

# Check $proj variable is correct and has a corresponding PROJWORK directory ##
if [ ! -d "${PROJWORK}/${proj}/" ]
    echo "WARNING: The directory $PROJWORK/$proj/ does not exist!"
    echo "Is the \$proj environment variable of value \"$proj\" correctly set? "
    echo "Please edit line 2 of your summit_warpx.profile file to continue!"

# Check $proj variable is correct and has a corresponding Software directory ##
if [ ! -d "/ccs/proj/${proj}/" ]
    echo "WARNING: The directory /ccs/proj/$proj/ does not exist!"
    echo "Is the \$proj environment variable of value \"$proj\" correctly set? "
    echo "Please edit line 2 of your summit_warpx.profile file to continue!"

# Remove old dependencies #####################################################
rm -rf ${SW_DIR}
mkdir -p ${SW_DIR}

# remove common user mistakes in python, located in .local instead of a venv
python3 -m pip uninstall -qq -y pywarpx
python3 -m pip uninstall -qq -y warpx
python3 -m pip uninstall -qqq -y mpi4py 2>/dev/null || true

# General extra dependencies ##################################################

# tmpfs build directory: avoids issues often seen with $HOME and is faster
build_dir=$(mktemp -d)

# BLAS++ (for PSATD+RZ)
if [ -d $HOME/src/blaspp ]
  cd $HOME/src/blaspp
  git fetch --prune
  git checkout master
  git pull
  cd -
  git clone $HOME/src/blaspp
cmake -S $HOME/src/blaspp -B ${build_dir}/blaspp-summit-build -Duse_openmp=ON -Dgpu_backend=cuda -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${SW_DIR}/blaspp-master
cmake --build ${build_dir}/blaspp-summit-build --target install --parallel 10

if [ -d $HOME/src/lapackpp ]
  cd $HOME/src/lapackpp
  git fetch --prune
  git checkout master
  git pull
  cd -
  git clone $HOME/src/lapackpp
cmake -S $HOME/src/lapackpp -B ${build_dir}/lapackpp-summit-build -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -Dbuild_tests=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${SW_DIR}/lapackpp-master
cmake --build ${build_dir}/lapackpp-summit-build --target install --parallel 10

# remove build temporary directory
rm -rf ${build_dir}

# Python ######################################################################
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv
python3 -m pip cache purge
rm -rf ${SW_DIR}/venvs/warpx-summit
python3 -m venv ${SW_DIR}/venvs/warpx-summit
source ${SW_DIR}/venvs/warpx-summit/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m pip install --upgrade packaging
python3 -m pip install --upgrade wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade cython
python3 -m pip install --upgrade numpy
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pandas
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -Ccompile-args="-j10" scipy
python3 -m pip install --upgrade mpi4py --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --no-binary mpi4py
python3 -m pip install --upgrade openpmd-api
python3 -m pip install --upgrade matplotlib==3.2.2  # does not try to build freetype itself
python3 -m pip install --upgrade yt

# install or update WarpX dependencies such as picmistandard
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r $HOME/src/warpx/requirements.txt

# for ML dependencies, see
AI/ML Dependencies (Optional)

If you plan to run AI/ML workflows depending on pyTorch, run the next step as well. This will take a while and should be skipped if not needed.

runNode bash $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/machines/summit-olcf/
Script Details
# Copyright 2023 The WarpX Community
# This file is part of WarpX.
# Author: Axel Huebl
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL

# Exit on first error encountered #############################################
set -eu -o pipefail

# Check: ######################################################################
#   Was perlmutter_gpu_warpx.profile sourced and configured correctly?
if [ -z ${proj-} ]; then echo "WARNING: The 'proj' variable is not yet set in your summit_warpx.profile file! Please edit its line 2 to continue!"; exit 1; fi

# Check $proj variable is correct and has a corresponding PROJWORK directory ##
if [ ! -d "${PROJWORK}/${proj}/" ]
    echo "WARNING: The directory $PROJWORK/$proj/ does not exist!"
    echo "Is the \$proj environment variable of value \"$proj\" correctly set? "
    echo "Please edit line 2 of your summit_warpx.profile file to continue!"

# Check $proj variable is correct and has a corresponding Software directory ##
if [ ! -d "/ccs/proj/${proj}/" ]
    echo "WARNING: The directory /ccs/proj/$proj/ does not exist!"
    echo "Is the \$proj environment variable of value \"$proj\" correctly set? "
    echo "Please edit line 2 of your summit_warpx.profile file to continue!"

# Remove old dependencies #####################################################
# remove common user mistakes in python, located in .local instead of a venv
python3 -m pip uninstall -qqq -y torch 2>/dev/null || true

# Python ML ###################################################################
# for basic python dependencies, see

# optional: for libEnsemble - WIP: issues with nlopt
# python3 -m pip install -r $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/LibEnsemble/requirements.txt

# optional: for pytorch
if [ -d /ccs/proj/${proj}/${USER}/src/pytorch ]
  cd /ccs/proj/${proj}/${USER}/src/pytorch
  git fetch
  git checkout .
  git checkout v2.0.1
  git submodule update --init --recursive
  cd -
  git clone -b v2.0.1 --recurse-submodules /ccs/proj/${proj}/${USER}/src/pytorch
cd /ccs/proj/${proj}/${USER}/src/pytorch
rm -rf build
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
#   patch to avoid compile issues
wget -q -O - | git apply
USE_CUDA=1 BLAS=OpenBLAS MAX_JOBS=64 ATEN_AVX512_256=OFF BUILD_TEST=0 python3 develop
#   (optional) If using torch.compile with inductor/triton, install the matching version of triton
#make triton
rm -rf build
cd -

# optional: optimas dependencies (based on libEnsemble & ax->botorch->gpytorch->pytorch)
#   commented because scikit-learn et al. compile > 2 hrs
#   please run manually on a login node if needed
#python3 -m pip install -r $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/optimas/requirements.txt

For optimas dependencies (incl. scikit-learn), plan another hour of build time:

python3 -m pip install -r $HOME/src/warpx/Tools/optimas/requirements.txt


Use the following cmake commands to compile the application executable:

cd $HOME/src/warpx
rm -rf build_summit

cmake -S . -B build_summit -DWarpX_COMPUTE=CUDA -DWarpX_PSATD=ON -DWarpX_QED_TABLE_GEN=ON -DWarpX_DIMS="1;2;RZ;3"
cmake --build build_summit -j 8

The WarpX application executables are now in $HOME/src/warpx/build_summit/bin/. Additionally, the following commands will install WarpX as a Python module:

rm -rf build_summit_py

cmake -S . -B build_summit_py -DWarpX_COMPUTE=CUDA -DWarpX_PSATD=ON -DWarpX_QED_TABLE_GEN=ON -DWarpX_APP=OFF -DWarpX_PYTHON=ON -DWarpX_DIMS="1;2;RZ;3"
cmake --build build_summit_py -j 8 --target pip_install

Now, you can submit Summit compute jobs for WarpX Python (PICMI) scripts (example scripts). Or, you can use the WarpX executables to submit Summit jobs (example inputs). For executables, you can reference their location in your job script or copy them to a location in $PROJWORK/$proj/.

Update WarpX & Dependencies

If you already installed WarpX in the past and want to update it, start by getting the latest source code:

cd $HOME/src/warpx

# read the output of this command - does it look ok?
git status

# get the latest WarpX source code
git fetch
git pull

# read the output of these commands - do they look ok?
git status
git log     # press q to exit

And, if needed,

As a last step, clean the build directory rm -rf $HOME/src/warpx/build_summit and rebuild WarpX.


V100 GPUs (16GB)

The batch script below can be used to run a WarpX simulation on 2 nodes on the supercomputer Summit at OLCF. Replace descriptions between chevrons <> by relevant values, for instance <input file> could be plasma_mirror_inputs. Note that WarpX runs with one MPI rank per GPU and there are 6 GPUs per node:

Listing 19 You can copy this file from Tools/machines/summit-olcf/summit_v100.bsub.

# Copyright 2019-2020 Maxence Thevenet, Axel Huebl
# This file is part of WarpX.
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL
# Refs.:

#BSUB -P <allocation ID>
#BSUB -W 00:10
#BSUB -nnodes 2
#BSUB -alloc_flags smt4
#BSUB -J WarpX
#BSUB -o WarpXo.%J
#BSUB -e WarpXe.%J

# make output group-readable by default
umask 0027

# fix problems with collectives since RHEL8 update: OLCFHELP-3545
# disable all the IBM optimized barriers and drop back to HCOLL or OMPI's barrier implementations
export OMPI_MCA_coll_ibm_skip_barrier=true

# libfabric 1.6+: limit the visible devices
# Needed for ADIOS2 SST staging/streaming workflows since RHEL8 update
#export FABRIC_IFACE=mlx5_0   # ADIOS SST: select interface (1 NIC on Summit)
#export FI_OFI_RXM_USE_SRX=1  # libfabric: use shared receive context from MSG provider

# ROMIO has a hint for GPFS named IBM_largeblock_io which optimizes I/O with operations on large blocks
export IBM_largeblock_io=true

# MPI-I/O: ROMIO hints for parallel HDF5 performance
export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321
export ROMIO_HINTS=./romio-hints
#   number of hosts: unique node names minus batch node
NUM_HOSTS=$(( $(echo $LSB_HOSTS | tr ' ' '\n' | uniq | wc -l) - 1 ))
cat > romio-hints << EOL
   romio_cb_write enable
   romio_ds_write enable
   cb_buffer_size 16777216
   cb_nodes ${NUM_HOSTS}

# OpenMP: 1 thread per MPI rank

# run WarpX
jsrun -r 6 -a 1 -g 1 -c 7 -l GPU-CPU -d packed -b rs --smpiargs="-gpu" <path/to/executable> <input file> > output.txt

To run a simulation, copy the lines above to a file summit_v100.bsub and run

bsub summit_v100.bsub

to submit the job.

For a 3D simulation with a few (1-4) particles per cell using FDTD Maxwell solver on Summit for a well load-balanced problem (in our case laser wakefield acceleration simulation in a boosted frame in the quasi-linear regime), the following set of parameters provided good performance:

  • amr.max_grid_size=256 and amr.blocking_factor=128.

  • One MPI rank per GPU (e.g., 6 MPI ranks for the 6 GPUs on each Summit node)

  • Two `128x128x128` grids per GPU, or one `128x128x256` grid per GPU.

A batch script with more options regarding profiling on Summit can be found at Summit batch script

Power9 CPUs

Similar to above, the batch script below can be used to run a WarpX simulation on 1 node on the supercomputer Summit at OLCF, on Power9 CPUs (i.e., the GPUs are ignored).

Listing 20 You can copy this file from Tools/machines/summit-olcf/summit_power9.bsub.

# Copyright 2019-2020 Maxence Thevenet, Axel Huebl, Michael Rowan
# This file is part of WarpX.
# License: BSD-3-Clause-LBNL
# Refs.:

#BSUB -P <allocation ID>
#BSUB -W 00:10
#BSUB -nnodes 1
#BSUB -alloc_flags "smt1"
#BSUB -J WarpX
#BSUB -o WarpXo.%J
#BSUB -e WarpXe.%J

# make output group-readable by default
umask 0027

# fix problems with collectives since RHEL8 update: OLCFHELP-3545
# disable all the IBM optimized barriers and drop back to HCOLL or OMPI's barrier implementations
export OMPI_MCA_coll_ibm_skip_barrier=true

# libfabric 1.6+: limit the visible devices
# Needed for ADIOS2 SST staging/streaming workflows since RHEL8 update
#export FABRIC_IFACE=mlx5_0   # ADIOS SST: select interface (1 NIC on Summit)
#export FI_OFI_RXM_USE_SRX=1  # libfabric: use shared receive context from MSG provider

# ROMIO has a hint for GPFS named IBM_largeblock_io which optimizes I/O with operations on large blocks
export IBM_largeblock_io=true

# MPI-I/O: ROMIO hints for parallel HDF5 performance
export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321
export ROMIO_HINTS=./romio-hints
#   number of hosts: unique node names minus batch node
NUM_HOSTS=$(( $(echo $LSB_HOSTS | tr ' ' '\n' | uniq | wc -l) - 1 ))
cat > romio-hints << EOL
   romio_cb_write enable
   romio_ds_write enable
   cb_buffer_size 16777216
   cb_nodes ${NUM_HOSTS}

# OpenMP: 21 threads per MPI rank

# run WarpX
jsrun -n 2 -a 1 -c 21 -r 2 -l CPU-CPU -d packed -b rs <path/to/executable> <input file> > output.txt

For a 3D simulation with a few (1-4) particles per cell using FDTD Maxwell solver on Summit for a well load-balanced problem, the following set of parameters provided good performance:

  • amr.max_grid_size=64 and amr.blocking_factor=64

  • Two MPI ranks per node (i.e. 2 resource sets per node; equivalently, 1 resource set per socket)

  • 21 physical CPU cores per MPI rank

  • 21 OpenMP threads per MPI rank (i.e. 1 OpenMP thread per physical core)

  • SMT 1 (Simultaneous Multithreading level 1)

  • Sixteen `64x64x64` grids per MPI rank (with default tiling in WarpX, this results in ~49 tiles per OpenMP thread)

I/O Performance Tuning

GPFS Large Block I/O

Setting IBM_largeblock_io to true disables data shipping, saving overhead when writing/reading large contiguous I/O chunks.

export IBM_largeblock_io=true


You might notice some parallel HDF5 performance improvements on Summit by setting the appropriate ROMIO hints for MPI-IO operations.

export OMPI_MCA_io=romio321
export ROMIO_HINTS=./romio-hints

You can generate the romio-hints by issuing the following command. Remember to change the number of cb_nodes to match the number of compute nodes you are using (example here: 64).

cat > romio-hints << EOL
romio_cb_write enable
romio_ds_write enable
cb_buffer_size 16777216
cb_nodes 64

The romio-hints file contains pairs of key-value hints to enable and tune collective buffering of MPI-IO operations. As Summit’s Alpine file system uses a 16MB block size, you should set the collective buffer size to 16GB and tune the number of aggregators (cb_nodes) to the number of compute nodes you are using, i.e., one aggregator per node.

Further details are available at Summit’s documentation page.

Known System Issues


Sep 16th, 2021 (OLCFHELP-3685): The Jupyter service cannot open HDF5 files without hanging, due to a filesystem mounting problem.

Please apply this work-around in a Jupyter cell before opening any HDF5 files for read:

import os
os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING'] = "FALSE"


Aug 27th, 2021 (OLCFHELP-3442): Created simulation files and directories are no longer accessible by your team members, even if you create them on $PROJWORK. Setting the proper “user mask” (umask) does not yet work to fix this.

Please run those commands after running a simulation to fix this. You can also append this to the end of your job scripts after the jsrun line:

# cd your-simulation-directory
find . -type d -exec chmod g+rwx {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;


Sep 3rd, 2021 (OLCFHELP-3545): The implementation of barriers in IBM’s MPI fork is broken and leads to crashes at scale. This is seen with runs using 200 nodes and above.

Our batch script templates above apply this work-around before the call to jsrun, which avoids the broken routines from IBM and trades them for an OpenMPI implementation of collectives:

export OMPI_MCA_coll_ibm_skip_barrier=true


Sep 3rd, 2021 (OLCFHELP-3319): If you are an active developer and compile middleware libraries (e.g., ADIOS2) yourself that use MPI and/or infiniband, be aware of libfabric: IBM forks the open source version of this library and ships a patched version.

Avoid conflicts with mainline versions of this library in MPI that lead to crashes at runtime by loading alongside the system MPI module:

module load libfabric/1.12.1-sysrdma

For instance, if you compile large software stacks with Spack, make sure to register libfabric with that exact version as an external module.

If you load the documented ADIOS2 module above, this problem does not affect you, since the correct libfabric version is chosen for this one.


Related to the above issue, the fabric selection in ADIOS2 was designed for libfabric 1.6. With newer versions of libfabric, a workaround is needed to guide the selection of a functional fabric for RDMA support. Details are discussed in ADIOS2 issue #2887.

The following environment variables can be set as work-arounds, when working with ADIOS2 SST:

export FABRIC_IFACE=mlx5_0   # ADIOS SST: select interface (1 NIC on Summit)
export FI_OFI_RXM_USE_SRX=1  # libfabric: use shared receive context from MSG provider


Oct 12th, 2021 (OLCFHELP-4242): There is currently a problem with the pre-installed Jupyter extensions, which can lead to connection splits at long running analysis sessions.

Work-around this issue by running in a single Jupyter cell, before starting analysis:

!jupyter serverextension enable --py --sys-prefix dask_labextension


For post-processing, most users use Python via OLCFs’s Jupyter service (Docs).

We usually just install our software on-the-fly on Summit. When starting up a post-processing session, run this in your first cells:


The following software packages are installed only into a temporary directory.

# work-around for OLCFHELP-4242
!jupyter serverextension enable --py --sys-prefix dask_labextension

# next Jupyter cell: the software you want
!mamba install --quiet -c conda-forge -y openpmd-api openpmd-viewer ipympl ipywidgets fast-histogram yt

# restart notebook