Profiling the Code

Profiling allows us to find the bottle-necks of the code as it is currently implemented. Bottle-necks are the parts of the code that may delay the simulation, making it more computationally expensive. Once found, we can update the related code sections and improve its efficiency. Profiling tools can also be used to check how load balanced the simulation is, i.e. if the work is well distributed across all MPI ranks used. Load balancing can be activated in WarpX by setting input parameters, see the parallelization input parameter section.

AMReX’s Tiny Profiler

By default, WarpX uses the AMReX baseline tool, the TINYPROFILER, to evaluate the time information for different parts of the code (functions) between the different MPI ranks. The results, timers, are stored into four tables in the standard output, stdout, that are located below the simulation steps information and above the warnings regarding unused input file parameters (if there were any).

The timers are displayed in tables for which the columns correspond to:

  • name of the function

  • number of times it is called in total

  • minimum of time spent exclusively/inclusively in it, between all ranks

  • average of time, between all ranks

  • maximum time, between all ranks

  • maximum percentage of time spent, across all ranks

If the simulation is well load balanced the minimum, average and maximum times should be identical.

The top two tables refer to the complete simulation information. The bottom two are related to the Evolve() section of the code (where each time step is computed).

Each set of two timers show the exclusive, top, and inclusive, bottom, information depending on whether the time spent in nested sections of the codes are included.


When creating performance-related issues on the WarpX GitHub repo, please include Tiny Profiler tables (besides the usual issue description, input file and submission script), or (even better) the whole standard output.

For more detailed information please visit the AMReX profiling documentation. There is a script located here that parses the Tiny Profiler output and generates a JSON file that can be used with Hatchet in order to analyze performance.

AMReX’s Full Profiler

The Tiny Profiler provides a summary across all MPI ranks. However, when analyzing load-balancing, it can be useful to have more detailed information about the behavior of each individual MPI rank. The workflow for doing so is the following:

  • Compile WarpX with full profiler support:

    cmake --build build -j 4


    Please note that the AMReX build options for AMReX_TINY_PROFILE (our default: ON) and full profiling traces via AMReX_BASE_PROFILE are mutually exclusive. Further tracing options are sub-options of AMReX_BASE_PROFILE.

    To turn on the tiny profiler again, remove the build directory or turn off AMReX_BASE_PROFILE again:

  • Run the simulation to be profiled. Note that the WarpX executable will create a new folder bl_prof, which contains the profiling data.


    When using the full profiler, it is usually useful to profile only a few PIC iterations (e.g. 10-20 PIC iterations), in order to improve readability. If the interesting PIC iterations occur only late in a simulation, you can run the first part of the simulation without profiling, the create a checkpoint, and then restart the simulation for 10-20 steps with the full profiler on.


The next steps can be done on a local computer (even if the simulation itself ran on an HPC cluster). In this case, simply copy the folder bl_prof to your local computer.

  • In order, to visualize the profiling data, install amrvis using spack:

    spack install amrvis dims=2 +profiling
  • Then create timeline database from the bl_prof data and open it:

    <amrvis-executable> -timelinepf bl_prof/
    <amrvis-executable> pltTimeline/

    In the above, <amrvis-executable> should be replaced by the actual of your amrvis executable, which can be found starting to type amrvis and then using Tab completion, in a Terminal.

  • This will pop-up a window with the timeline. Here are few guidelines to navigate it:
    • Use the horizontal scroller to find the area where the 10-20 PIC steps occur.

    • In order to zoom on an area, you can drag and drop with the mouse, and the hit Ctrl-S on a keyboard.

    • You can directly click on the timeline to see which actual MPI call is being perform. (Note that the colorbar can be misleading.)

Nvidia Nsight-Systems

Vendor homepage and product manual.

Nsight-Systems provides system level profiling data, including CPU and GPU interactions. It runs quickly, and provides a convenient visualization of profiling results including NVTX timers.

Perlmutter Example

Example on how to create traces on a multi-GPU system that uses the Slurm scheduler (e.g., NERSC’s Perlmutter system). You can either run this on an interactive node or use the Slurm batch script header documented here.

# GPU-aware MPI
# 1 OpenMP thread

export TMPDIR="$PWD/tmp"
rm -rf ${TMPDIR} profiling*
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}

# record
srun --ntasks=4 --gpus=4 --cpu-bind=cores \
    nsys profile -f true               \
      -o profiling_%q{SLURM_TASK_PID}     \
      -t mpi,cuda,nvtx,osrt,openmp        \
      --mpi-impl=mpich                    \
    ./warpx.3d.MPI.CUDA.DP.QED            \
      inputs_3d                           \
        warpx.numprocs=1 1 4 amr.n_cell=512 512 2048 max_step=10


If everything went well, you will obtain as many output files named profiling_<number>.nsys-rep as active MPI ranks. Each MPI rank’s performance trace can be analyzed with the Nsight System graphical user interface (GUI). In WarpX, every MPI rank is associated with one GPU, which each creates one trace file.


The last line of the sbatch file has to match the data of your input files.

Summit Example

Example on how to create traces on a multi-GPU system that uses the jsrun scheduler (e.g., OLCF’s Summit system):

# nsys: remove old traces
rm -rf profiling* tmp-traces
# nsys: a location where we can write temporary nsys files to
export TMPDIR=$PWD/tmp-traces
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
# WarpX: one OpenMP thread per MPI rank

# record
jsrun -n 4 -a 1 -g 1 -c 7 --bind=packed:$OMP_NUM_THREADS \
    nsys profile -f true \
      -o profiling_%p \
      -t mpi,cuda,nvtx,osrt,openmp   \
      --mpi-impl=openmpi             \
    ./warpx.3d.MPI.CUDA.DP.QED inputs_3d \
      warpx.numprocs=1 1 4 amr.n_cell=512 512 2048 max_step=10


Sep 10th, 2021 (OLCFHELP-3580): The Nsight-Compute (nsys) version installed on Summit does not record details of GPU kernels. This is reported to Nvidia and OLCF.


In these examples, the individual lines for recording a trace profile are:

  • srun: execute multi-GPU runs with srun (Slurm’s mpiexec wrapper), here for four GPUs

  • -f true overwrite previously written trace profiles

  • -o: record one profile file per MPI rank (per GPU); if you run mpiexec/mpirun with OpenMPI directly, replace SLURM_TASK_PID with OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK

  • -t: select a couple of APIs to trace

  • --mpi--impl: optional, hint the MPI flavor

  • ./warpx...: select the WarpX executable and a good inputs file

  • warpx.numprocs=...: make the run short, reasonably small, and run only a few steps

Now open the created trace files (per rank) in the Nsight-Systems GUI. This can be done on another system than the one that recorded the traces. For example, if you record on a cluster and open the analysis GUI on your laptop, it is recommended to make sure that versions of Nsight-Systems match on the remote and local system.

Nvidia Nsight-Compute

Vendor homepage and product manual.

Nsight-Compute captures fine grained information at the kernel level concerning resource utilization. By default, it collects a lot of data and runs slowly (can be a few minutes per step), but provides detailed information about occupancy, and memory bandwidth for a kernel.


Example of how to create traces on a single-GPU system. A jobscript for Perlmutter is shown, but the SBATCH headers are not strictly necessary as the command only profiles a single process. This can also be run on an interactive node, or without a workload management system.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH -J ncuProfiling
#SBATCH -A <your account>
#SBATCH -q regular
#SBATCH -C gpu
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --gpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --gpu-bind=map_gpu:0
#SBATCH --mail-user=<email>
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

# record
dcgmi profile --pause
ncu -f -o out \
--target-processes all \
--set detailed \
--nvtx --nvtx-include="WarpXParticleContainer::DepositCurrent::CurrentDeposition/" \
./warpx input max_step=1 \
&> warpxOut.txt


To collect full statistics, Nsight-Compute reruns kernels, temporarilly saving device memory in host memory. This makes it slower than Nsight-Systems, so the provided script profiles only a single step of a single process. This is generally enough to extract relevant information.


In the example above, the individual lines for recording a trace profile are:

  • dcgmi profile --pause other profiling tools can’t be collecting data, see this Q&A.

  • -f overwrite previously written trace profiles.

  • -o: output file for profiling.

  • --target-processes all: required for multiprocess code.

  • --set detailed: controls what profiling data is collected. If only interested in a few things, this can improve profiling speed. detailed gets pretty much everything.

  • --nvtx: collects NVTX data. See note.

  • --nvtx-include: tells the profiler to only profile the given sections. You can also use -k to profile only a given kernel.

  • ./warpx...: select the WarpX executable and a good inputs file.

Now open the created trace file in the Nsight-Compute GUI. As with Nsight-Systems, this can be done on another system than the one that recorded the traces. For example, if you record on a cluster and open the analysis GUI on your laptop, it is recommended to make sure that versions of Nsight-Compute match on the remote and local system.


nvtx-include syntax is very particular. The trailing / in the example is significant. For full information, see the Nvidia’s documentation on NVTX filtering .