Profiling the code

Profiling with AMREX’s built-in profiling tools

See this page in the AMReX documentation.

Profiling the code with Intel Advisor on NERSC

Follow these steps:

  • Instrument the code during compilation

    module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl
    make -j 16 COMP=intel USE_VTUNE=TRUE

    (where the first line is only needed for KNL)

  • In your SLURM submission script, use the following lines in order to run the executable. (In addition to setting the usual OMP environment variables.)

    module load advisor
    export ADVIXE_EXPERIMENTAL=roofline
    srun -n <n_mpi> -c <n_logical_cores_per_mpi> --cpu_bind=cores advixe-cl -collect survey -project-dir advisor -trace-mpi -- <warpx_executable> inputs
    srun -n <n_mpi> -c <n_logical_cores_per_mpi> --cpu_bind=cores advixe-cl -collect tripcounts -flop -project-dir advisor -trace-mpi -- <warpx_executable> inputs

    where <n_mpi> and <n_logical_cores_per_mpi> should be replaced by the proper values, and <warpx_executable> should be replaced by the name of the WarpX executable.

  • Launch the Intel Advisor GUI

    module load advisor

    (Note: this requires to use ssh -XY when connecting to Cori.)