Input parameters


This section is currently in development.

Overall simulation parameters

  • max_step (integer)

    The number of PIC cycles to perform.

  • warpx.gamma_boost (float)

    The Lorentz factor of the boosted frame in which the simulation is run. (The corresponding Lorentz transformation is assumed to be along warpx.boost_direction.)

    When using this parameter, some of the input parameters are automatically converted to the boosted frame. (See the corresponding documentation of each input parameters.)


    For now, only the laser parameters will be converted.

  • warpx.boost_direction (string: x, y or z)

    The direction of the Lorentz-transform for boosted-frame simulations (The direction y cannot be used in 2D simulations.)

Setting up the field mesh

  • amr.n_cell (2 integers in 2D, 3 integers in 3D)

    The number of grid points along each direction (on the coarsest level)

  • amr.max_level (integer)

    When using mesh refinement, the number of refinement levels that will be used.

    Use 0 in order to disable mesh refinement.

  • geometry.is_periodic (2 integers in 2D, 3 integers in 3D)

    Whether the boundary conditions are periodic, in each direction.

    For each direction, use 1 for periodic conditions, 0 otherwise.

  • geometry.prob_lo and geometry.prob_hi (2 floats in 2D, 3 integers in 3D; in meters)

    The extent of the full simulation box. This box is rectangular, and thus its extent is given here by the coordinates of the lower corner (geometry.prob_lo) and upper corner (geometry.prob_hi).

  • warpx.fine_tag_lo and warpx.fine_tag_hi (2 floats in 2D, 3 integers in 3D; in meters)

    When using static mesh refinement with 1 level, the extent of the refined patch. This patch is rectangular, and thus its extent is given here by the coordinates of the lower corner (warpx.fine_tag_lo) and upper corner (warpx.fine_tag_hi).

Distribution across MPI ranks and parallelization

  • amr.max_grid_size (integer)

    Maximum allowable size of each subdomain (expressed in number of grid points, in each direction). Each subdomain has its own ghost cells, and can be handled by a different MPI rank ; several OpenMP threads can work simultaneously on the same subdomain.

    If max_grid_size is such that the total number of subdomains is larger that the number of MPI ranks used, than some MPI ranks will handle several subdomains, thereby providing additional flexibility for load balancing.

    When using mesh refinement, this number applies to the subdomains of the coarsest level, but also to any of the finer level.

  • warpx.load_balance_int (integer)

    How often WarpX should try to redistribute the work across MPI ranks, in order to have better load balancing (expressed in number of PIC cycles inbetween two consecutive attempts at redistributing the work). Use 0 to disable load_balancing.

    When performing load balancing, WarpX measures the wall time for computational parts of the PIC cycle. It then uses this data to decide how to redistribute the subdomains across MPI ranks. (Each subdomain is unchanged, but its owner is changed in order to have better performance.) This relies on each MPI rank handling several (in fact many) subdomains (see max_grid_size).

  • warpx.load_balance_with_sfc (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    If this is 1: use a Space-Filling Curve (SFC) algorithm in order to perform load-balancing of the simulation. If this is 0: the Knapsack algorithm is used instead.

  • warpx.do_dynamic_scheduling (0 or 1) optional (default 1)

    Whether to activate OpenMP dynamic scheduling.

Math parser and user-defined constants

WarpX provides a math parser that reads expressions in the input file. It can be used to define the plasma density profile, the plasma momentum distribution or the laser field (see below Particle initialization and Laser initialization).

The parser reads python-style expressions between double quotes, for instance "a0*x**2 * (1-y*1.e2) * (x>0)" is a valid expression where a0 is a user-defined constant and x and y are variables. The factor (x>0) is 1 where x>0 and 0 where x<=0. It allows the user to define functions by intervals. User-defined constants can be used in parsed functions only (i.e., density_function(x,y,z) and field_function(x,y,t), see below). They are specified with:

  • constants.use_my_constants (bool)
    Whether to use user-defined constants.
  • constants.constant_names (strings, separated by spaces)
    A list of variables the user wants to define, e.g., constants.constant_names = a0 n0.
  • constants.constant_values (floats, sepatated by spaces)
    Values for the user-defined constants., e.g., constants.constant_values = 3. 1.e24.

Particle initialization

  • particles.nspecies (int)
    The number of species that will be used in the simulation.
  • particles.species_names (strings, separated by spaces)
    The name of each species. This is then used in the rest of the input deck ; in this documentation we use <species_name> as a placeholder.
  • particles.use_fdtd_nci_corr (0 or 1)
    Whether to activate the FDTD Numerical Cherenkov Instability corrector.
  • particles.rigid_injected_species (strings, separated by spaces)
    List of species injected using the rigid injection method. For species injected using this method, particles are translated along the +z axis with constant velocity as long as their z coordinate verifies z<zinject_plane. When z>zinject_plane, particles are pushed in a standard way, using the specified pusher.
  • <species_name>.charge (float)
    The charge of one physical particle of this species.
  • <species_name>.mass (float)
    The mass of one physical particle of this species.
  • <species_name>.injection_style (string)
    Determines how the particles will be injected in the simulation. The options are:
    • NUniformPerCell: injection with a fixed number of evenly-spaced particles per cell. This requires the additional parameter <species_name>.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim.
    • NRandomPerCell: injection with a fixed number of randomly-distributed particles per cell. This requires the additional parameter <species_name>.num_particles_per_cell.
  • <species_name>.profile (string)
    Density profile for this species. The options are:
    • constant: Constant density profile within the box, or between <species_name>.xmin and <species_name>.xmax (and same in all directions). This requires additional parameter <species_name>.density. i.e., the plasma density in \(m^{-3}\).
    • parse_density_function: the density is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional argument <species_name>.density_function(x,y,z), which is a mathematical expression for the density of the species, e.g. electrons.density_function(x,y,z) = "n0+n0*x**2*1.e12" where n0 is a user-defined constant, see above. Note that using this density profile will turn warpx.serialize_ics to 1, which may slow down the simulation.
  • <species_name>.momentum_distribution_type (string)
    Distribution of the normalized momentum (u=p/mc) for this species. The options are:
    • constant: constant momentum profile. This requires additional parameters <species_name>.ux, <species_name>.uy and <species_name>.uz, the normalized momenta in the x, y and z direction respectively.
    • gaussian: gaussian momentum distribution in all 3 directions. This requires additional arguments for the average momenta along each direction <species_name>.ux_m, <species_name>.uy_m and <species_name>.uz_m as well as standard deviations along each direction <species_name>.ux_th, <species_name>.uy_th and <species_name>.uz_th.
    • radial_expansion: momentum depends on the radial coordinate linearly. This requires additional parameter u_over_r which is the slope.
    • parse_momentum_function: the momentum is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional arguments <species_name>.momentum_function_ux(x,y,z), <species_name>.momentum_function_uy(x,y,z) and <species_name>.momentum_function_uz(x,y,z), which gives the distribution of each component of the momentum as a function of space. Note that using this momentum distribution type will turn warpx.serialize_ics to 1, which may slow down the simulation.
  • <species_name>.zinject_plane (float)
    Only read if <species_name> is in particles.rigid_injected_species. Injection plane when using the rigid injection method. See particles.rigid_injected_species above.
  • <species_name>.rigid_avance (bool)
    Only read if <species_name> is in particles.rigid_injected_species.
    • If false, each particle is advanced with its own velocity vz until it reaches zinject_plane.
    • If true, each particle is advanced with the average speed of the species vzbar until it reaches zinject_plane.
  • <species_name>.do_backward_injection (bool)
    Inject a backward-propagating beam to reduce the effect of charge-separation fields when running in the boosted frame. See examples.
  • warpx.serialize_ics (0 or 1)
    Whether or not to use OpenMP threading for particle initialization.

Laser initialization

  • warpx.use_laser (0 or 1)

    Whether to activate the injection of a laser pulse in the simulation

  • laser.position (3 floats in 3D and 2D ; in meters)

    The coordinates of one of the point of the antenna that will emit the laser. The plane of the antenna is entirely defined by laser.position and laser.direction.

    laser.position also corresponds to the origin of the coordinates system for the laser tranverse profile. For instance, for a Gaussian laser profile, the peak of intensity will be at the position given by laser.position. This variable can thus be used to shift the position of the laser pulse transversally.


    In 2D, laser.position is still given by 3 numbers, but the second number is ignored.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.position in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame. Note that, in this case, the laser antenna will be moving, in the boosted frame.

  • laser.polarization (3 floats in 3D and 2D)

    The coordinates of a vector that points in the direction of polarization of the laser. The norm of this vector is unimportant, only its direction matters.


    Even in 2D, all the 3 components of this vectors are important (i.e. the polarization can be orthogonal to the plane of the simulation).

  • laser.direction (3 floats in 3D)

    The coordinates of a vector that points in the propagation direction of the laser. The norm of this vector is unimportant, only its direction matters.

    The plane of the antenna that will emit the laser is orthogonal to this vector.


    When running boosted-frame simulations, laser.direction should be parallel to warpx.boost_direction, for now.

  • laser.e_max (float ; in V/m)

    Peak amplitude of the laser field.

    For a laser with a wavelength \(\lambda = 0.8\,\mu m\), the peak amplitude is related to \(a_0\) by:

    \[E_{max} = a_0 \frac{2 \pi m_e c}{e\lambda} = a_0 \times (4.0 \cdot 10^{12} \;V.m^{-1})\]

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.e_max in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • laser.wavelength (float; in meters)

    The wavelength of the laser in vacuum.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.wavelength in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • laser.profile (string)

    The spatio-temporal shape of the laser. The options that are currently implemented are:

    • "Gaussian": The transverse and longitudinal profiles are Gaussian.
    • "Harris": The transverse profile is Gaussian, but the longitudinal profile is given by the Harris function (see laser.profile_duration for more details)
    • "parse_field_function": the laser electric field is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional argument laser.field_function(X,Y,t), which is a mathematical expression , e.g. laser.field_function(X,Y,t) = "a0*X**2 * (X>0) * cos(omega0*t)" where a0 and omega0 are a user-defined constant, see above. The profile passed here is the full profile, not only the laser envelope. t is time and X and Y are coordinates orthogonal to laser.direction (not necessarily the x and y coordinates of the simulation). All parameters above are required, but none of the parameters below are used when laser.parse_field_function=1. Even though laser.wavelength and laser.e_max should be included in the laser function, they still have to be specified as they are used for numerical purposes.
  • laser.profile_t_peak (float; in seconds)

    The time at which the laser reaches its peak intensity, at the position given by laser.position (only used for the "gaussian" profile)

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.profile_t_peak in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • laser.profile_duration (float ; in seconds)

    The duration of the laser, defined as \(\tau\) below:

    • For the "gaussian" profile:
    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \exp\left( -\frac{(t-t_{peak})^2}{\tau^2} \right)\]
    • For the "harris" profile:
    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \frac{1}{32}\left[10 - 15 \cos\left(\frac{2\pi t}{\tau}\right) + 6 \cos\left(\frac{4\pi t}{\tau}\right) - \cos\left(\frac{6\pi t}{\tau}\right) \right]\Theta(\tau - t)\]

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.profile_duration in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • laser.profile_waist (float ; in meters)

    The waist of the transverse Gaussian laser profile, defined as \(w_0\) :

    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \exp\left( -\frac{\boldsymbol{x}_\perp^2}{w_0^2} \right)\]
  • laser.profile_focal_distance (float; in meters)

    The distance from laser_position to the focal plane. (where the distance is defined along the direction given by laser.direction.)

    Use a negative number for a defocussing laser instead of a focussing laser.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of laser.profile_focal_distance in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • laser.stc_direction (3 floats) optional (default 1. 0. 0.)
    Direction of laser spatio-temporal couplings.

    See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • laser.zeta (float; in meters.seconds) optional (default 0.)

    Spatial chirp at focus in direction laser.stc_direction. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • laser.beta (float; in seconds) optional (default 0.)

    Angular dispersion (or angular chirp) at focus in direction laser.stc_direction. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • laser.phi2 (float; in seconds**2) optional (default 0.)

    Temporal chirp at focus. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

Numerics and algorithms

  • warpx.cfl (float)

    The ratio between the actual timestep that is used in the simulation and the CFL limit. (e.g. for warpx.cfl=1, the timestep will be exactly equal to the CFL limit.)

  • warpx.use_filter (0 or 1)

    Whether to smooth the charge and currents on the mesh, after depositing them from the macroparticles. This uses a bilinear filter (see the sub-section Filtering in Theoretical background).

  • algo.current_deposition (integer)

    The algorithm for current deposition:

    • 0: Esirkepov deposition, vectorized
    • 1: Esirkepov deposition, non-optimized
    • 2: Direct deposition, vectorized
    • 3: Direct deposition, non-optimized


    The vectorized Esirkepov deposition (algo.current_deposition=0) is currently not functional in WarpX. All the other methods (1, 2 and 3) are functional.

  • algo.charge_deposition (integer)

    The algorithm for the charge density deposition:

    • 0: Vectorized version
    • 1: Non-optimized version
  • algo.field_gathering (integer)

    The algorithm for field gathering:

    • 0: Vectorized version
    • 1: Non-optimized version
  • algo.particle_pusher (integer)

    The algorithm for the particle pusher:

    • 0: Boris pusher
    • 1: Vay pusher
  • algo.maxwell_fdtd_solver (string)

    The algorithm for the FDTD Maxwell field solver:

    • yee: Yee FDTD solver
    • ckc: Cole-Karkkainen solver with Cowan coefficients (see Cowan - PRST-AB 16, 041303 (2013))
  • interpolation.nox, interpolation.noy, interpolation.noz (integer)

    The order of the shape factors for the macroparticles, for the 3 dimensions of space. Lower-order shape factors result in faster simulations, but more noisy results,

    Note that the implementation in WarpX is more efficient when these 3 numbers are equal, and when they are between 1 and 3.

  • psatd.nox, psatd.noy, pstad.noz (integer) optional (default 16 for all)

    The order of accuracy of the spatial derivatives, when using the code compiled with a PSATD solver.

  • psatd.ngroups_fft (integer)

    The number of MPI groups that are created for the FFT, when using the code compiled with a PSATD solver. The FFTs are global within one MPI group and use guard cell exchanges in between MPI groups. (If ngroups_fft is larger than the number of MPI ranks used, than the actual number of MPI ranks is used instead.)

  • psatd.fftw_plan_measure (0 or 1)

    Defines whether the parameters of FFTW plans will be initialized by measuring and optimizing performance (FFTW_MEASURE mode; activated by default here). If psatd.fftw_plan_measure is set to 0, then the best parameters of FFTW plans will simply be estimated (FFTW_ESTIMATE mode). See this section of the FFTW documentation for more information.

Diagnostics and output

  • amr.plot_int (integer)
    The number of PIC cycles inbetween two consecutive data dumps. Use a negative number to disable data dumping.
  • warpx.do_boosted_frame_diagnostic (0 or 1)
    Whether to use the back-transformed diagnostics (i.e. diagnostics that perform on-the-fly conversion to the laboratory frame, when running boosted-frame simulations)
  • warpx.num_snapshots_lab (integer)
    Only used when warpx.do_boosted_frame_diagnostic is 1. The number of lab-frame snapshots that will be written.
  • warpx.dt_snapshots_lab (float, in seconds)
    Only used when warpx.do_boosted_frame_diagnostic is 1. The time interval inbetween the lab-frame snapshots (where this time interval is expressed in the laboratory frame).
  • warpx.plot_raw_fields (0 or 1) optional (default 0)
    By default, the fields written in the plot files are averaged on the nodes. When `warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1, then the raw (i.e. unaveraged) fields are also saved in the plot files.
  • warpx.plot_raw_fields_guards (0 or 1)
    Only used when warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to include the guard cells in the output of the raw fields.
  • warpx.plot_finepatch (0 or 1)
    Only used when mesh refinement is activated and warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to output the data of the fine patch, in the plot files.
  • warpx.plot_crsepatch (0 or 1)
    Only used when mesh refinement is activated and warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to output the data of the coarse patch, in the plot files.

Checkpoints and restart

WarpX supports checkpoints/restart via AMReX.

  • amr.check_int (integer)
    The number of iterations between two consecutive checkpoints. Use a negative number to disable checkpoints.
  • amr.restart (string)
    Name of the checkpoint file to restart from. Returns an error if the folder does not exist or if it is not properly formatted.