Input parameters


This section is currently in development.

Overall simulation parameters

  • authors (string: e.g. "Jane Doe <>, Jimmy Joe <>")

    Authors of an input file / simulation setup. When provided, this information is added as metadata to (openPMD) output files.

  • max_step (integer)

    The number of PIC cycles to perform.

  • warpx.gamma_boost (float)

    The Lorentz factor of the boosted frame in which the simulation is run. (The corresponding Lorentz transformation is assumed to be along warpx.boost_direction.)

    When using this parameter, some of the input parameters are automatically converted to the boosted frame. (See the corresponding documentation of each input parameters.)


    For now, only the laser parameters will be converted.

  • warpx.boost_direction (string: x, y or z)

    The direction of the Lorentz-transform for boosted-frame simulations (The direction y cannot be used in 2D simulations.)

  • warpx.zmax_plasma_to_compute_max_step (float) optional

    Can be useful when running in a boosted frame. If specified, automatically calculates the number of iterations required in the boosted frame for the lower z end of the simulation domain to reach warpx.zmax_plasma_to_compute_max_step (typically the plasma end, given in the lab frame). The value of max_step is overwritten, and printed to standard output. Currently only works if the Lorentz boost and the moving window are along the z direction.

  • warpx.verbose (0 or 1; default is 1 for true)

    Controls how much information is printed to the terminal, when running WarpX.

  • warpx.random_seed (string or int > 0) optional

    If provided warpx.random_seed = random, the random seed will be determined using std::random_device and std::clock(), thus every simulation run produces different random numbers. If provided warpx.random_seed = n, and it is required that n > 0, the random seed for each MPI rank is (mpi_rank+1) * n, where mpi_rank starts from 0. n = 1 and warpx.random_seed = default produce the default random seed. Note that when GPU threading is used, one should not expect to obtain the same random numbers, even if a fixed warpx.random_seed is provided.

  • warpx.do_electrostatic (0 or 1; default is 0 for false)

    Run WarpX in electrostatic mode. Instead of updating the fields at each iteration with the full Maxwell equations, the fields are instead recomputed at each iteration from the (relativistic) Poisson equation. There is no limitation on the timestep in this case, but electromagnetic effects (e.g. propagation of radiation, lasers, etc.) are not captured.

  • amrex.abort_on_out_of_gpu_memory (0 or 1; default is 1 for true)

    When running on GPUs, memory that does not fit on the device will be automatically swapped to host memory when this option is set to 0. This will cause severe performance drops. Note that even with this set to 1 WarpX will not catch all out-of-memory events yet when operating close to maximum device memory. Please also see the documentation in AMReX.

Setting up the field mesh

  • amr.n_cell (2 integers in 2D, 3 integers in 3D)

    The number of grid points along each direction (on the coarsest level)

  • amr.max_level (integer)

    When using mesh refinement, the number of refinement levels that will be used.

    Use 0 in order to disable mesh refinement.

  • geometry.is_periodic (2 integers in 2D, 3 integers in 3D)

    Whether the boundary conditions are periodic, in each direction.

    For each direction, use 1 for periodic conditions, 0 otherwise.

  • geometry.coord_sys (integer) optional (default 0)

    Coordinate system used by the simulation. 0 for Cartesian, 1 for cylindrical.

  • geometry.prob_lo and geometry.prob_hi (2 floats in 2D, 3 integers in 3D; in meters)

    The extent of the full simulation box. This box is rectangular, and thus its extent is given here by the coordinates of the lower corner (geometry.prob_lo) and upper corner (geometry.prob_hi). The first axis of the coordinates is x (or r with cylindrical) and the last is z.

  • warpx.fine_tag_lo and warpx.fine_tag_hi (2 floats in 2D, 3 integers in 3D; in meters) optional

    When using static mesh refinement with 1 level, the extent of the refined patch. This patch is rectangular, and thus its extent is given here by the coordinates of the lower corner (warpx.fine_tag_lo) and upper corner (warpx.fine_tag_hi).

  • warpx.n_current_deposition_buffer (integer)

    When using mesh refinement: the particles that are located inside a refinement patch, but within n_current_deposition_buffer cells of the edge of this patch, will deposit their charge and current to the lower refinement level, instead of depositing to the refinement patch itself. See the section Mesh refinement for more details. If this variable is not explicitly set in the input script, n_current_deposition_buffer is automatically set so as to be large enough to hold the particle shape, on the fine grid

  • warpx.n_field_gather_buffer (integer; 0 by default)

    When using mesh refinement: the particles that are located inside a refinement patch, but within n_field_gather_buffer cells of the edge of this patch, will gather the fields from the lower refinement level, instead of gathering the fields from the refinement patch itself. This avoids some of the spurious effects that can occur inside the refinement patch, close to its edge. See the section Mesh refinement for more details. If this variable is not explicitly set in the input script, n_field_gather_buffer is automatically set so that it is one cell larger than n_current_deposition_buffer, on the fine grid.

  • particles.deposit_on_main_grid (list of strings)

    When using mesh refinement: the particle species whose name are included in the list will deposit their charge/current directly on the main grid (i.e. the coarsest level), even if they are inside a refinement patch.

  • particles.gather_from_main_grid (list of strings)

    When using mesh refinement: the particle species whose name are included in the list will gather their fields from the main grid (i.e. the coarsest level), even if they are inside a refinement patch.

  • warpx.n_rz_azimuthal_modes (integer; 1 by default)

    When using the RZ version, this is the number of azimuthal modes.

Distribution across MPI ranks and parallelization

  • warpx.numprocs (2 ints for 2D, 3 ints for 3D) optional (default none)

    This optional parameter can be used to control the domain decomposition on the coarsest level. The domain will be chopped into the exact number of pieces in each dimension as specified by this parameter. If it’s not specified, the domain decomposition will be determined by the parameters that will be discussed below. If specified, the product of the numbers must be equal to the number of MPI processes.

  • amr.max_grid_size (integer) optional (default 128)

    Maximum allowable size of each subdomain (expressed in number of grid points, in each direction). Each subdomain has its own ghost cells, and can be handled by a different MPI rank ; several OpenMP threads can work simultaneously on the same subdomain.

    If max_grid_size is such that the total number of subdomains is larger that the number of MPI ranks used, than some MPI ranks will handle several subdomains, thereby providing additional flexibility for load balancing.

    When using mesh refinement, this number applies to the subdomains of the coarsest level, but also to any of the finer level.

  • warpx.load_balance_int (string) optional (default 0)

    Using the Intervals parser syntax, this string defines the timesteps at which WarpX should try to redistribute the work across MPI ranks, in order to have better load balancing. Use 0 to disable load_balancing.

    When performing load balancing, WarpX measures the wall time for computational parts of the PIC cycle. It then uses this data to decide how to redistribute the subdomains across MPI ranks. (Each subdomain is unchanged, but its owner is changed in order to have better performance.) This relies on each MPI rank handling several (in fact many) subdomains (see max_grid_size).

  • warpx.load_balance_with_sfc (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    If this is 1: use a Space-Filling Curve (SFC) algorithm in order to perform load-balancing of the simulation. If this is 0: the Knapsack algorithm is used instead.

  • warpx.load_balance_efficiency_ratio_threshold (float) optional (default 1.1)

    Controls whether to adopt a proposed distribution mapping computed during a load balance. If the the ratio of the proposed to current distribution mapping efficiency (i.e., average cost per MPI process; efficiency is a number in the range [0, 1]) is greater than the threshold value, the proposed distribution mapping is adopted. The suggested range of values is warpx.load_balance_efficiency_ratio_threshold >= 1, which ensures that the new distribution mapping is adopted only if doing so would improve the load balance efficiency. The higher the threshold value, the more conservative is the criterion for adoption of a proposed distribution; for example, with warpx.load_balance_efficiency_ratio_threshold = 1, the proposed distribution is adopted any time the proposed distribution improves load balancing; if instead warpx.load_balance_efficiency_ratio_threshold = 2, the proposed distribution is adopted only if doing so would yield a 100% to the load balance efficiency (with this threshold value, if the current efficiency is 0.45, the new distribution would only be adopted if the proposed efficiency were greater than 0.9).

  • algo.load_balance_costs_update (Heuristic or Timers) optional (default Timers)

    If this is Heuristic: load balance costs are updated according to a measure of particles and cells assigned to each box of the domain. The cost \(c\) is computed as

    \[c = n_{\text{particle}} \cdot w_{\text{particle}} + n_{\text{cell}} \cdot w_{\text{cell}},\]

    where \(n_{\text{particle}}\) is the number of particles on the box, \(w_{\text{particle}}\) is the particle cost weight factor (controlled by algo.costs_heuristic_particles_wt), \(n_{\text{cell}}\) is the number of cells on the box, and \(w_{\text{cell}}\) is the cell cost weight factor (controlled by algo.costs_heuristic_cells_wt).

    If this is Timers: costs are updated according to in-code timers.

  • algo.costs_heuristic_particles_wt (float) optional

    Particle weight factor used in Heuristic strategy for costs update; if running on GPU, the particle weight is set to a value determined from single-GPU tests on Summit, depending on the choice of solver (FDTD or PSATD) and order of the particle shape. If running on CPU, the default value is 0.9.

  • algo.costs_heuristic_cells_wt (float) optional

    Cell weight factor used in Heuristic strategy for costs update; if running on GPU, the cell weight is set to a value determined from single-GPU tests on Summit, depending on the choice of solver (FDTD or PSATD) and order of the particle shape. If running on CPU, the default value is 0.1.

  • warpx.do_dynamic_scheduling (0 or 1) optional (default 1)

    Whether to activate OpenMP dynamic scheduling.

  • warpx.safe_guard_cells (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    For developers: run in safe mode, exchanging more guard cells, and more often in the PIC loop (for debugging).

Math parser and user-defined constants

WarpX provides a math parser that reads expressions in the input file. It can be used to define the plasma density profile, the plasma momentum distribution or the laser field (see below Particle initialization and Laser initialization).

The parser reads python-style expressions between double quotes, for instance "a0*x**2 * (1-y*1.e2) * (x>0)" is a valid expression where a0 is a user-defined constant and x and y are variables. The names are case sensitive. The factor (x>0) is 1 where x>0 and 0 where x<=0. It allows the user to define functions by intervals. User-defined constants can be used in parsed functions only (i.e., density_function(x,y,z) and field_function(X,Y,t), see below). User-defined constants can contain only letter, numbers and character _. The name of each constant has to begin with a letter. The following names are used by WarpX, and cannot be used as user-defined constants: x, y, z, X, Y, t. For example, parameters a0 and z_plateau can be specified with:

  • my_constants.a0 = 3.0

  • my_constants.z_plateau = 150.e-6

Particle initialization

  • particles.nspecies (int)

    The number of species that will be used in the simulation.

  • particles.species_names (strings, separated by spaces)

    The name of each species. This is then used in the rest of the input deck ; in this documentation we use <species_name> as a placeholder.

  • particles.use_fdtd_nci_corr (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Whether to activate the FDTD Numerical Cherenkov Instability corrector.

  • particles.boundary_conditions (string) optional (default none)

    Boundary conditions applied to particles. Options are: * none: the boundary conditions applied to particles is determined by geometry.is_periodic. * absorbing: particles exiting the simulation domain are discarded.

  • particles.rigid_injected_species (strings, separated by spaces)

    List of species injected using the rigid injection method. The rigid injection method is useful when injecting a relativistic particle beam, in boosted-frame simulation ; see the section Inputs and outputs for more details. For species injected using this method, particles are translated along the +z axis with constant velocity as long as their z coordinate verifies z<zinject_plane. When z>zinject_plane, particles are pushed in a standard way, using the specified pusher. (see the parameter <species_name>.zinject_plane below)

  • <species_name>.species_type (string) optional (default unspecified)

    Type of physical species, "electron", "positron", "photon", "hydrogen". Either this or both mass and charge have to be specified.

  • <species_name>.charge (float) optional (default NaN)

    The charge of one physical particle of this species. If species_type is specified, the charge will be set to the physical value and charge is optional. When <species>.do_field_ionization = 1, the physical particle charge is equal to ionization_initial_level * charge, so latter parameter should be equal to q_e (which is defined in WarpX as the elementary charge in coulombs).

  • <species_name>.mass (float) optional (default NaN)

    The mass of one physical particle of this species. If species_type is specified, the mass will be set to the physical value and mass is optional.

  • <species_name>.xmin,ymin,zmin (float) optional (default unlimited)

    When <species_name>.xmin and <species_name>.xmax (see below) are set, they delimit the region within which particles are injected. The same is applicable in the other directions. If periodic boundary conditions are used in direction i, then the default (i.e. if the range is not specified) range will be the simulation box, [geometry.prob_hi[i], geometry.prob_lo[i]].

  • <species_name>.xmax,ymax,zmax (float) optional (default unlimited)

  • <species_name>.injection_style (string)

    Determines how the particles will be injected in the simulation. The options are:

    • NUniformPerCell: injection with a fixed number of evenly-spaced particles per cell. This requires the additional parameter <species_name>.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim.

    • NRandomPerCell: injection with a fixed number of randomly-distributed particles per cell. This requires the additional parameter <species_name>.num_particles_per_cell.

    • SingleParticle: Inject a single macroparticle. This requires the additional parameters: <species_name>.single_particle_pos (3 doubles, particle 3D position [meter]) <species_name>.single_particle_vel (3 doubles, particle 3D normalized momentum, i.e. \(\gamma \beta\)) <species_name>.single_particle_weight ( double, macroparticle weight, i.e. number of physical particles it represents)

    • gaussian_beam: Inject particle beam with gaussian distribution in space in all directions. This requires additional parameters: <species_name>.q_tot (beam charge) optional (default is q_tot=0), <species_name>.npart (number of particles in the beam), <species_name>.x/y/z_m (average position in x/y/z), <species_name>.x/y/z_rms (standard deviation in x/y/z), <species_name>.x/y/z_rms (standard deviation in x/y/z), <species_name>.x/y/z_cut (optional, particles with abs(x-x_m) > x_cut*x_rms are not injected, same for y and z. <species_name>.q_tot is the charge of the un-cut beam, so that cutting the distribution is likely to result in a lower total charge), and optional argument <species_name>.do_symmetrize (whether to symmetrize the beam in the x and y directions).

    • external_file: Inject macroparticles with properties (mass, charge, position, and momentum - \(\gamma \beta m c\)) read from an external openPMD file. With it users can specify the additional arguments: <species_name>.injection_file (string) openPMD file name and <species_name>.q_tot (double) optional (default is q_tot=0 and no re-scaling is done, weight=q_p) when specified it is used to re-scale the weight of externally loaded N physical particles, each of charge q_p, to inject macroparticles of weight=<species_name>.q_tot/q_p/N. <species_name>.charge (double) optional (default is read from openPMD file) when set this will be the charge of the physical particle represented by the injected macroparticles. <species_name>.mass (double) optional (default is read from openPMD file) when set this will be the charge of the physical particle represented by the injected macroparticles. <species_name>.z_shift (double) optional (default is no shift) when set this value will be added to the longitudinal, z, position of the particles. The external file must include the species openPMD::Record``s labeled ``position and momentum (double arrays), with dimensionality and units set via openPMD::setUnitDimension and setUnitSI. If the external file also contains openPMD::Records``s for ``mass and charge (constant double scalars) then the species will use these, unless overwritten in the input file (see <species_name>.mass, `<species_name>.charge or `<species_name>.species_type). The external_file option is currently implemented for 2D, 3D and RZ geometries, with record components in the cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) for 3D and RZ, and (x,z) for 2D. For more information on the openPMD format and how to build WarpX with it, please visit Building WarpX with support for openPMD output.

  • <species_name>.num_particles_per_cell_each_dim (3 integers in 3D and RZ, 2 integers in 2D)

    With the NUniformPerCell injection style, this specifies the number of particles along each axis within a cell. Note that for RZ, the three axis are radius, theta, and z and that the recommended number of particles per theta is at least two times the number of azimuthal modes requested. (It is recommended to do a convergence scan of the number of particles per theta)

  • <species_name>.do_continuous_injection (0 or 1)

    Whether to inject particles during the simulation, and not only at initialization. This can be required with a moving window and/or when running in a boosted frame.

  • <species_name>.initialize_self_fields (0 or 1)

    Whether to calculate the space-charge fields associated with this species at the beginning of the simulation. The fields are calculated for the mean gamma of the species.

  • <species_name>.self_fields_required_precision (float, default: 1.e-11)

    The relative precision with which the initial space-charge fields should be calculated. More specifically, the initial space-charge fields are computed with an iterative Multi-Level Multi-Grid (MLMG) solver. For highly-relativistic beams, this solver can fail to reach the default precision within a reasonable time ; in that case, users can set a relaxed precision requirement through self_fields_required_precision.

  • <species_name>.profile (string)

    Density profile for this species. The options are:

    • constant: Constant density profile within the box, or between <species_name>.xmin and <species_name>.xmax (and same in all directions). This requires additional parameter <species_name>.density. i.e., the plasma density in \(m^{-3}\).

    • parse_density_function: the density is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional argument <species_name>.density_function(x,y,z), which is a mathematical expression for the density of the species, e.g. electrons.density_function(x,y,z) = "n0+n0*x**2*1.e12" where n0 is a user-defined constant, see above. WARNING: where density_function(x,y,z) is close to zero, particles will still be injected between xmin and xmax etc., with a null weight. This is undesirable because it results in useless computing. To avoid this, see option density_min below.

  • <species_name>.density_min (float) optional (default 0.)

    Minimum plasma density. No particle is injected where the density is below this value.

  • <species_name>.density_max (float) optional (default infinity)

    Maximum plasma density. The density at each point is the minimum between the value given in the profile, and density_max.

  • <species_name>.radially_weighted (bool) optional (default true)

    Whether particle’s weight is varied with their radius. This only applies to cylindrical geometry. The only valid value is true.

    • predefined: use one of WarpX predefined plasma profiles. It requires additional arguments <species_name>.predefined_profile_name and <species_name>.predefined_profile_params (see below).

  • <species_name>.momentum_distribution_type (string)

    Distribution of the normalized momentum (u=p/mc) for this species. The options are:

    • constant: constant momentum profile. This requires additional parameters <species_name>.ux, <species_name>.uy and <species_name>.uz, the normalized momenta in the x, y and z direction respectively.

    • gaussian: gaussian momentum distribution in all 3 directions. This requires additional arguments for the average momenta along each direction <species_name>.ux_m, <species_name>.uy_m and <species_name>.uz_m as well as standard deviations along each direction <species_name>.ux_th, <species_name>.uy_th and <species_name>.uz_th.

    • maxwell_boltzmann: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution that takes a dimensionless temperature parameter <species_name>.theta as an input, where theta is kb*T/(m*c^2), kb is the Boltzmann constant, c is the speed of light, and m is the mass of the species. It also includes the optional parameter <species_name>.beta where beta is equal to v/c. The plasma will be initialized to move at bulk velocity beta*c in the <species_name>.bulk_vel_dir = (+/-) 'x', 'y', 'z' direction. Please leave no whitespace between the sign and the character on input. A direction without a sign will be treated as positive. The MB distribution is initialized in the drifting frame by sampling three Gaussian distributions in each dimension using, the Box Mueller method, and then the distribution is transformed to the simulation frame using the flipping method. The flipping method can be found in Zenitani 2015 section III. B. (Phys. Plasmas 22, 042116).

      Note that though the particles may move at relativistic speeds in the simulation frame, they are not relativistic in the drift frame. This is as opposed to the Maxwell Juttner setting, which initializes particles with relativistic momentums in their drifting frame.

    • maxwell_juttner: Maxwell-Juttner distribution for high temperature plasma. This mode requires a dimensionless temperature parameter <species_name>.theta, where theta is equal to kb*T/(m*c^2), where kb is the Boltzmann constant, and m is the mass of the species. It also includes the optional parameter <species_name>.beta where beta is equal to v/c. The plasma will be initialized to move at velocity beta*c in the <species_name>.bulk_vel_dir = (+/-) 'x', 'y', 'z' direction. Please leave no whitespace between the sign and the character on input. A direction without a sign will be treated as positive. The MJ distribution will be initialized in the moving frame using the Sobol method, and then the distribution will be transformed to the simulation frame using the flipping method. Both the Sobol and the flipping method can be found in Zenitani 2015 (Phys. Plasmas 22, 042116).

      Please take notice that particles initialized with this setting can be relativistic in two ways. In the simulation frame, they can drift with a relativistic speed beta. Then, in the drifting frame they are still moving with relativistic speeds due to high temperature. This is as opposed to the Maxwell Boltzmann setting, which initializes non-relativistic plasma in their relativistic drifting frame.

    • radial_expansion: momentum depends on the radial coordinate linearly. This requires additional parameter u_over_r which is the slope.

    • parse_momentum_function: the momentum is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional arguments <species_name>.momentum_function_ux(x,y,z), <species_name>.momentum_function_uy(x,y,z) and <species_name>.momentum_function_uz(x,y,z), which gives the distribution of each component of the momentum as a function of space.

  • <species_name>.zinject_plane (float)

    Only read if <species_name> is in particles.rigid_injected_species. Injection plane when using the rigid injection method. See particles.rigid_injected_species above.

  • <species_name>.rigid_advance (bool)

    Only read if <species_name> is in particles.rigid_injected_species.

    • If false, each particle is advanced with its own velocity vz until it reaches zinject_plane.

    • If true, each particle is advanced with the average speed of the species vzbar until it reaches zinject_plane.

  • species_name.predefined_profile_name (string)

    Only read of <species_name>.electrons.profile is predefined.

    • If parabolic_channel, the plasma profile is a parabolic profile with cosine-like ramps at the beginning and the end of the profile. The density is given by

      \[n = n_0 n(x,y) n(z)\]


      \[n(x,y) = 1 + 4\frac{x^2+y^2}{k_p^2 R_c^4}\]

      where \(k_p\) is the plasma wavenumber associated with density \(n_0\). Here, \(n(z)\) is a cosine-like up-ramp from \(0\) to \(L_{ramp,up}\), constant to \(1\) from \(L_{ramp,up}\) to \(L_{ramp,up} + L_{plateau}\) and a cosine-like down-ramp from \(L_{ramp,up} + L_{plateau}\) to \(L_{ramp,up} + L_{plateau}+L_{ramp,down}\). All parameters are given in predefined_profile_params.

  • <species_name>.predefined_profile_params (list of float)

    Parameters for the predefined profiles.

    • If species_name.predefined_profile_name is parabolic_channel, predefined_profile_params contains a space-separated list of the following parameters, in this order: \(L_{ramp,up}\) \(L_{plateau}\) \(L_{ramp,down}\) \(R_c\) \(n_0\)

  • <species_name>.do_backward_propagation (bool)

    Inject a backward-propagating beam to reduce the effect of charge-separation fields when running in the boosted frame. See examples.

  • <species_name>.do_splitting (bool) optional (default 0)

    Split particles of the species when crossing the boundary from a lower resolution domain to a higher resolution domain.

  • <species_name>.split_type (int) optional (default 0)

    Splitting technique. When 0, particles are split along the simulation axes (4 particles in 2D, 6 particles in 3D). When 1, particles are split along the diagonals (4 particles in 2D, 8 particles in 3D).

  • <species_name>.do_not_deposit (0 or 1 optional; default 0)

    If 1 is given, both charge deposition and current deposition will not be done, thus that species does not contribute to the fields.

  • <species_name>.do_not_gather (0 or 1 optional; default 0)

    If 1 is given, field gather from grids will not be done, thus that species will not be affected by the field on grids.

  • <species_name>.do_not_push (0 or 1 optional; default 0)

    If 1 is given, this species will not be pushed by any pusher during the simulation.

  • <species>.do_back_transformed_diagnostics (0 or 1 optional, default 1)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics=1. When running in a boosted frame, whether or not to plot back-transformed diagnostics for this species.

  • warpx.serialize_ics (0 or 1)

    Whether or not to use OpenMP threading for particle initialization.

  • <species>.do_field_ionization (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Do field ionization for this species (using the ADK theory).

  • <species>.physical_element (string)

    Only read if do_field_ionization = 1. Symbol of chemical element for this species. Example: for Helium, use physical_element = He. Elements up to atomic number Z=86 (Radon) are supported, let us know if you need higher Z.

  • <species>.ionization_product_species (string)

    Only read if do_field_ionization = 1. Name of species in which ionized electrons are stored. This species must be created as a regular species in the input file (in particular, it must be in particles.species_names).

  • <species>.ionization_initial_level (int) optional (default 0)

    Only read if do_field_ionization = 1. Initial ionization level of the species (must be smaller than the atomic number of chemical element given in physical_element).

  • <species>.do_classical_radiation_reaction (int) optional (default 0)

    Enables Radiation Reaction (or Radiation Friction) for the species. Species must be either electrons or positrons. Boris pusher must be used for the simulation

  • <species>.do_qed (int) optional (default 0)

    If <species>.do_qed = 0 all the QED effects are disabled for this species. If <species>.do_qed = 1 QED effects can be enabled for this species (see below). This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.do_qed_quantum_sync (int) optional (default 0)

    It only works if <species>.do_qed = 1. Enables Quantum synchrotron emission for this species. Quantum synchrotron lookup table should be either generated or loaded from disk to enable this process (see “Lookup tables for QED modules” section below). <species> must be either an electron or a positron species. This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.do_qed_breit_wheeler (int) optional (default 0)

    It only works if <species>.do_qed = 1. Enables non-linear Breit-Wheeler process for this species. Breit-Wheeler lookup table should be either generated or loaded from disk to enable this process (see “Lookup tables for QED modules” section below). <species> must be a photon species. This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.qed_quantum_sync_phot_product_species (string)

    If an electron or a positron species has the Quantum synchrotron process, a photon product species must be specified (the name of an existing photon species must be provided) This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.qed_breit_wheeler_ele_product_species (string)

    If a photon species has the Breit-Wheeler process, an electron product species must be specified (the name of an existing electron species must be provided) This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.qed_breit_wheeler_pos_product_species (string)

    If a photon species has the Breit-Wheeler process, a positron product species must be specified (the name of an existing positron species must be provided). This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE

  • <species>.do_resampling (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    If 1 resampling is performed for this species. This means that the number of macroparticles will be reduced at specific timesteps while preserving the distribution function as much as possible (in particular the weight of the remaining particles will be increased on average). This can be useful in situations with continuous creation of particles (e.g. with ionization or with QED effects). At least one resampling trigger (see below) must be specified to actually perform resampling.

  • <species>.resampling_algorithm (string) optional (default leveling_thinning)

    The algorithm used for resampling. Currently there is only one option, which is already set by default:

    • leveling_thinning This algorithm is defined in Muraviev et al., arXiv:2006.08593 (2020). It has two parameters:

      • <species>.resampling_algorithm_target_ratio (float) optional (default 1.5)

        This roughly corresponds to the ratio between the number of particles before and after resampling.

      • <species>.resampling_algorithm_min_ppc (int) optional (default 1)

        Resampling is not performed in cells with a number of macroparticles strictly smaller than this parameter.

  • <species>.resampling_trigger_intervals (string) optional (default 0)

    Using the Intervals parser syntax, this string defines timesteps at which resampling is performed.

  • <species>.resampling_trigger_max_avg_ppc (float) optional (default infinity)

    Resampling is performed everytime the number of macroparticles per cell of the species averaged over the whole simulation domain exceeds this parameter.

Laser initialization

  • lasers.nlasers (int) optional (default 0)

    Number of lasers pulses.

  • lasers.names (list of string. Must contain lasers.nlasers elements)

    Name of each laser. This is then used in the rest of the input deck ; in this documentation we use <laser_name> as a placeholder. The parameters below must be provided for each laser pulse.

  • `<laser_name>`.position (3 floats in 3D and 2D ; in meters)

    The coordinates of one of the point of the antenna that will emit the laser. The plane of the antenna is entirely defined by <laser_name>.position and <laser_name>.direction.

    `<laser_name>`.position also corresponds to the origin of the coordinates system for the laser tranverse profile. For instance, for a Gaussian laser profile, the peak of intensity will be at the position given by <laser_name>.position. This variable can thus be used to shift the position of the laser pulse transversally.


    In 2D, `<laser_name>`.position is still given by 3 numbers, but the second number is ignored.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.position in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame. Note that, in this case, the laser antenna will be moving, in the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.polarization (3 floats in 3D and 2D)

    The coordinates of a vector that points in the direction of polarization of the laser. The norm of this vector is unimportant, only its direction matters.


    Even in 2D, all the 3 components of this vectors are important (i.e. the polarization can be orthogonal to the plane of the simulation).

  • <laser_name>.direction (3 floats in 3D)

    The coordinates of a vector that points in the propagation direction of the laser. The norm of this vector is unimportant, only its direction matters.

    The plane of the antenna that will emit the laser is orthogonal to this vector.


    When running boosted-frame simulations, <laser_name>.direction should be parallel to warpx.boost_direction, for now.

  • <laser_name>.e_max (float ; in V/m)

    Peak amplitude of the laser field.

    For a laser with a wavelength \(\lambda = 0.8\,\mu m\), the peak amplitude is related to \(a_0\) by:

    \[E_{max} = a_0 \frac{2 \pi m_e c}{e\lambda} = a_0 \times (4.0 \cdot 10^{12} \;V.m^{-1})\]

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.e_max in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.wavelength (float; in meters)

    The wavelength of the laser in vacuum.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.wavelength in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.profile (string)

    The spatio-temporal shape of the laser. The options that are currently implemented are:

    • "Gaussian": The transverse and longitudinal profiles are Gaussian.

    • "Harris": The transverse profile is Gaussian, but the longitudinal profile is given by the Harris function (see <laser_name>.profile_duration for more details)

    • "parse_field_function": the laser electric field is given by a function in the input file. It requires additional argument <laser_name>.field_function(X,Y,t), which is a mathematical expression , e.g. <laser_name>.field_function(X,Y,t) = "a0*X**2 * (X>0) * cos(omega0*t)" where a0 and omega0 are a user-defined constant, see above. The profile passed here is the full profile, not only the laser envelope. t is time and X and Y are coordinates orthogonal to <laser_name>.direction (not necessarily the x and y coordinates of the simulation). All parameters above are required, but none of the parameters below are used when <laser_name>.parse_field_function=1. Even though <laser_name>.wavelength and <laser_name>.e_max should be included in the laser function, they still have to be specified as they are used for numerical purposes.

    • "from_txye_file": the electric field of the laser is read from an external binary file whose format is explained below. It requires to provide the name of the binary file setting the additional parameter <laser_name>.txye_file_name (string). It accepts an optional parameter <laser_name>.time_chunk_size (int). This allows to read only time_chunk_size timesteps from the binary file. New timesteps are read as soon as they are needed. The default value is automatically set to the number of timesteps contained in the binary file (i.e. only one read is performed at the beginning of the simulation). The external binary file should provide E(x,y,t) on a rectangular (but non necessarily uniform) grid. The code performs a bi-linear (in 2D) or tri-linear (in 3D) interpolation to set the field values. x,y,t are meant to be in S.I. units, while the field value is meant to be multiplied by <laser_name>.e_max (i.e. in most cases the maximum of abs(E(x,y,t)) should be 1, so that the maximum field intensity can be set straightforwardly with <laser_name>.e_max). The binary file has to respect the following format:

      • flag to indicate if the grid is uniform or not (1 byte, 0 means non-uniform, !=0 means uniform)

      • np, number of timesteps (uint32_t, must be >=2)

      • nx, number of points along x (uint32_t, must be >=2)

      • ny, number of points along y (uint32_t, must be 1 for 2D simulations and >=2 for 3D simulations)

      • timesteps (double[2] if grid is uniform, double[np] otherwise)

      • x_coords (double[2] if grid is uniform, double[nx] otherwise)

      • y_coords (double[1] if 2D, double[2] if 3D & uniform grid, double[ny] if 3D & non uniform grid)

      • field_data (double[nt * nx * ny], with nt being the slowest coordinate).

      A file at this format can be generated from Python, see an example at Examples/Modules/laser_injection_from_file

  • <laser_name>.profile_t_peak (float; in seconds)

    The time at which the laser reaches its peak intensity, at the position given by <laser_name>.position (only used for the "gaussian" profile)

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.profile_t_peak in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.profile_duration (float ; in seconds)

    The duration of the laser pulse, defined as \(\tau\) below:

    • For the "gaussian" profile:

    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \exp\left( -\frac{(t-t_{peak})^2}{\tau^2} \right)\]

    Note that \(\tau\) relates to the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of intensity, which is closer to pulse length measurements in experiments, as \(\tau = \mathrm{FWHM}_I / \sqrt{2\ln(2)}\) \(\approx \mathrm{FWHM}_I / 1.174\).

    • For the "harris" profile:

    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \frac{1}{32}\left[10 - 15 \cos\left(\frac{2\pi t}{\tau}\right) + 6 \cos\left(\frac{4\pi t}{\tau}\right) - \cos\left(\frac{6\pi t}{\tau}\right) \right]\Theta(\tau - t)\]

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.profile_duration in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.profile_waist (float ; in meters)

    The waist of the transverse Gaussian laser profile, defined as \(w_0\) :

    \[E(\boldsymbol{x},t) \propto \exp\left( -\frac{\boldsymbol{x}_\perp^2}{w_0^2} \right)\]
  • <laser_name>.profile_focal_distance (float; in meters)

    The distance from laser_position to the focal plane. (where the distance is defined along the direction given by <laser_name>.direction.)

    Use a negative number for a defocussing laser instead of a focussing laser.

    When running a boosted-frame simulation, provide the value of <laser_name>.profile_focal_distance in the laboratory frame, and use warpx.gamma_boost to automatically perform the conversion to the boosted frame.

  • <laser_name>.stc_direction (3 floats) optional (default 1. 0. 0.)

    Direction of laser spatio-temporal couplings. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • <laser_name>.zeta (float; in meters.seconds) optional (default 0.)

    Spatial chirp at focus in direction <laser_name>.stc_direction. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • <laser_name>.beta (float; in seconds) optional (default 0.)

    Angular dispersion (or angular chirp) at focus in direction <laser_name>.stc_direction. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • <laser_name>.phi2 (float; in seconds**2) optional (default 0.)

    Temporal chirp at focus. See definition in Akturk et al., Opt Express, vol 12, no 19 (2014).

  • <laser_name>.do_continuous_injection (0 or 1) optional (default 0).

    Whether or not to use continuous injection. If the antenna starts outside of the simulation domain but enters it at some point (due to moving window or moving antenna in the boosted frame), use this so that the laser antenna is injected when it reaches the box boundary. If running in a boosted frame, this requires the boost direction, moving window direction and laser propagation direction to be along z. If not running in a boosted frame, this requires the moving window and laser propagation directions to be the same (x, y or z)

  • <laser_name>.min_particles_per_mode (int) optional (default 4)

    When using the RZ version, this specifies the minimum number of particles per angular mode. The laser particles are loaded into radial spokes, with the number of spokes given by min_particles_per_mode*(warpx.n_rz_azimuthal_modes-1).

  • warpx.num_mirrors (int) optional (default 0)

    Users can input perfect mirror condition inside the simulation domain. The number of mirrors is given by warpx.num_mirrors. The mirrors are orthogonal to the z direction. The following parameters are required when warpx.num_mirrors is >0.

  • warpx.mirror_z (list of float) required if warpx.num_mirrors>0

    z location of the front of the mirrors.

  • warpx.mirror_z_width (list of float) required if warpx.num_mirrors>0

    z width of the mirrors.

  • warpx.mirror_z_npoints (list of int) required if warpx.num_mirrors>0

    In the boosted frame, depending on gamma_boost, warpx.mirror_z_width can be smaller than the cell size, so that the mirror would not work. This parameter is the minimum number of points for the mirror. If mirror_z_width < dz/cell_size, the upper bound of the mirror is increased so that it contains at least mirror_z_npoints.

  • warpx.B_ext_grid_init_style (string) optional (default is “default”)

    This parameter determines the type of initialization for the external magnetic field. The “default” style initializes the external magnetic field (Bx,By,Bz) to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The string can be set to “constant” if a constant magnetic field is required to be set at initialization. If set to “constant”, then an additional parameter, namely, warpx.B_external_grid must be specified. If set to parse_B_ext_grid_function, then a mathematical expression can be used to initialize the external magnetic field on the grid. It requires additional parameters in the input file, namely, warpx.Bx_external_grid_function(x,y,z), warpx.By_external_grid_function(x,y,z), warpx.Bz_external_grid_function(x,y,z) to initialize the external magnetic field for each of the three components on the grid. Constants required in the expression can be set using my_constants. For example, if warpx.Bx_external_grid_function(x,y,z)=Bo*x + delta*(y + z) then the constants Bo and delta required in the above equation can be set using my_constants.Bo= and in the input file. For a two-dimensional simulation, it is assumed that the first dimension is x and the second dimension in z, and the value of y is set to zero. Note that the current implementation of the parser for external B-field does not work with RZ and the code will abort with an error message.

  • warpx.E_ext_grid_init_style (string) optional (default is “default”)

    This parameter determines the type of initialization for the external electric field. The “default” style initializes the external electric field (Ex,Ey,Ez) to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). The string can be set to “constant” if a constant electric field is required to be set at initialization. If set to “constant”, then an additional parameter, namely, warpx.E_external_grid must be specified in the input file. If set to parse_E_ext_grid_function, then a mathematical expression can be used to initialize the external magnetic field on the grid. It required additional parameters in the input file, namely, warpx.Ex_external_grid_function(x,y,z), warpx.Ey_external_grid_function(x,y,z), warpx.Ez_external_grid_function(x,y,z) to initialize the external electric field for each of the three components on the grid. Constants required in the expression can be set using my_constants. For example, if warpx.Ex_external_grid_function(x,y,z)=Eo*x + delta*(y + z) then the constants Bo and delta required in the above equation can be set using my_constants.Eo= and in the input file. For a two-dimensional simulation, it is assumed that the first dimension is x and the second dimension in z, and the value of y is set to zero. Note that the current implementation of the parser for external E-field does not work with RZ and the code will abort with an error message.

  • warpx.E_external_grid & warpx.B_external_grid (list of 3 floats)

    required when warpx.E_ext_grid_init_style="constant" and when warpx.B_ext_grid_init_style="constant", respectively. External uniform and constant electrostatic and magnetostatic field added to the grid at initialization. Use with caution as these fields are used for the field solver. In particular, do not use any other boundary condition than periodic.

  • particles.B_ext_particle_init_style (string) optional (default is “default”)

    This parameter determines the type of initialization for the external magnetic field that is applied directly to the particles at every timestep. The “default” style sets the external B-field (Bx,By,Bz) to (0.0,0.0,0.0). The string can be set to “constant” if a constant external B-field is applied every timestep. If this parameter is set to “constant”, then an additional parameter, namely, particles.B_external_particle must be specified in the input file. To parse a mathematical function for the external B-field, use the option parse_B_ext_particle_function. This option requires additional parameters in the input file, namely, particles.Bx_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t), particles.By_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t), particles.Bz_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t) to apply the external B-field on the particles. Constants required in the mathematical expression can be set using my_constants. For a two-dimensional simulation, it is assumed that the first and second dimensions are x and z, respectively, and the value of the By component is set to zero. Note that the current implementation of the parser for B-field on particles is applied in cartesian co-ordinates as a function of (x,y,z) even for RZ.

  • particles.E_ext_particle_init_style (string) optional (default is “default”) This parameter determines the type of initialization for the external electric field that is applied directly to the particles at every timestep. The “default” style set the external E-field (Ex,Ey,Ez) to (0.0,0.0,0.0). The string can be set to “constant” if a constant external E-field is to be used in the simulation at every timestep. If this parameter is set to “constant”, then an additional parameter, namely, particles.E_external_particle must be specified in the input file. To parse a mathematical function for the external E-field, use the option parse_E_ext_particle_function. This option requires additional parameters in the input file, namely, particles.Ex_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t), particles.Ey_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t), particles.Ez_external_particle_function(x,y,z,t) to apply the external E-field on the particles. Constants required in the mathematical expression can be set using my_constants. For a two-dimensional simulation, similar to the B-field, it is assumed that the first and second dimensions are x and z, respectively, and the value of the Ey component is set to zero. The current implementation of the parser for B-field on particles is applied in cartesian co-ordinates as a function of (x,y,z) even for RZ.

  • particles.E_external_particle & particles.B_external_particle (list of float) optional (default 0. 0. 0.)

    Two separate parameters which add an externally applied uniform E-field or B-field to each particle which is then added to the field values gathered from the grid in the PIC cycle.

Collision initialization

WarpX provides a relativistic elastic Monte Carlo binary collision model, following the algorithm given by Perez et al. (Phys. Plasmas 19, 083104, 2012).

  • collisions.collision_names (strings, separated by spaces)

    The name of each collision type. This is then used in the rest of the input deck; in this documentation we use <collision_name> as a placeholder.

  • <collision_name>.species (strings, two species names separated by spaces)

    The names of two species, between which the collision will be considered. The number of provided <collision_name>.species should match the number of collision names, i.e. collisions.collision_names.

  • <collision_name>.CoulombLog (float) optional

    A provided fixed Coulomb logarithm of the collision type <collision_name>. For example, a typical Coulomb logarithm has a form of \(\ln(\lambda_D/R)\), where \(\lambda_D\) is the Debye length, \(R\approx1.4A^{1/3}\) is the effective Coulombic radius of the nucleus, \(A\) is the mass number. If this is not provided, or if a non-positive value is provided, a Coulomb logarithm will be computed automatically according to the algorithm. a Coulomb logarithm will be computed automatically according to the algorithm in Perez et al. (Phys. Plasmas 19, 083104, 2012).

Numerics and algorithms

  • warpx.cfl (float)

    The ratio between the actual timestep that is used in the simulation and the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) limit. (e.g. for warpx.cfl=1, the timestep will be exactly equal to the CFL limit.)

  • warpx.use_filter (0 or 1)

    Whether to smooth the charge and currents on the mesh, after depositing them from the macroparticles. This uses a bilinear filter (see the sub-section Filtering in Theoretical background).

  • warpx.use_kspace_filter (0 or 1; default: 0)

    Whether to smooth the charge and currents on the mesh, after depositing them from the macroparticles. This uses a bilinear filter, applying the filter in k-space. It is only supported with the RZ spectral solver. (see the sub-section Filtering in Theoretical background).

  • warpx.filter_npass_each_dir (3 int) optional (default 1 1 1)

    Number of passes along each direction for the bilinear filter. In 2D simulations, only the first two values are read.

  • warpx.use_filter_compensation (0 or 1; default: 0)

    Whether to add compensation when applying k-space filtering. This requires warpx.use_kspace_filter=1 and is only supported with the RZ spectral solver.

  • warpx.use_damp_fields_in_z_guard (0 or 1)

    When using the RZ spectrol solver, specifies whether to apply a damping factor to the E and B fields in the guard cells along z that extend beyond the edge of the domain. When the boundary conditions along z are not periodic, this defaults to true, otherwise false. The damping profile is a sine squared and is applied to the fields on the outer half of the guards. This damping is useful for damping high frequency numerical artifacts that occur when there is parallel decomposition along z with non-periodic boundary conditions.

  • algo.current_deposition (string, optional)

    This parameter selects the algorithm for the deposition of the current density. Available options are: direct, esirkepov, and vay. The default choice is esirkepov if WarpX is compiled with the FDTD solver (that is, with USE_PSATD=FALSE) and direct if WarpX is compiled with the standard or Galilean PSATD solver (that is, with USE_PSATD=TRUE).

    1. direct

      The current density is deposited as described in the section Current deposition. This deposition scheme does not conserve charge.

    2. esirkepov

      The current density is deposited as described in (Esirkepov, CPC, 2001). This deposition scheme guarantees charge conservation for shape factors of arbitrary order.

    3. vay

      The current density is deposited as described in (Vay et al, 2013) (see section Current deposition for more details). This option guarantees charge conservation only when used in combination with psatd.periodic_single_box_fft=1, that is, only for periodic single-box simulations with global FFTs without guard cells. The implementation for domain decomposition with local FFTs over guard cells is planned but not yet completed.

  • algo.charge_deposition (string, optional)

    The algorithm for the charge density deposition. Available options are:

  • algo.field_gathering (string, optional)

    The algorithm for field gathering. Available options are:

    • energy-conserving: gathers directly from the grid points (either staggered or nodal gridpoints depending on warpx.do_nodal).

    • momentum-conserving: first average the fields from the grid points to the nodes, and then gather from the nodes.

    If algo.field_gathering is not specified, the default is energy-conserving. If warpx.do_nodal is true, then energy-conserving and momentum-conserving are equivalent.

  • algo.particle_pusher (string, optional)

    The algorithm for the particle pusher. Available options are:

    If algo.particle_pusher is not specified, boris is the default.

  • algo.maxwell_solver (string, optional)

    The algorithm for the Maxwell field solver. Available options are:

    • yee: Yee FDTD solver.

    • ckc: (not available in RZ geometry) Cole-Karkkainen solver with Cowan coefficients (see Cowan, PRSTAB 16 (2013))

    If algo.maxwell_solver is not specified, yee is the default. Note: this option is currently ignored with PSATD.

  • algo.em_solver_medium (string, optional)

    The medium for evaluating the Maxwell solver. Available options are :

    • vacuum: vacuum properties are used in the Maxwell solver.

    • macroscopic: macroscopic Maxwell equation is evaluated. If this option is selected, then the corresponding properties of the medium must be provided using macroscopic.sigma, macroscopic.epsilon, and for each case where the initialization style is constant. Otherwise if the initialization style uses the parser, macroscopic.sigma_function(x,y,z), macroscopic.epsilon_function(x,y,z) and/or macroscopic.mu_function(x,y,z) must be provided using the parser initialization style for spatially varying macroscopic properties.

    If algo.em_solver_medium is not specified, vacuum is the default.

  • algo.macroscopic_sigma_method (string, optional)

    The algorithm for updating electric field when algo.em_solver_medium is macroscopic. Available options are:

    • backwardeuler is a fully-implicit, first-order in time scheme for E-update (default).

    • laxwendroff is the semi-implicit, second order in time scheme for E-update.

    Comparing the two methods, Lax-Wendroff is more prone to developing oscillations and requires a smaller timestep for stability. On the other hand, Backward Euler is more robust but it is first-order accurate in time compared to the second-order Lax-Wendroff method.

  • macroscopic.sigma_function(x,y,z), macroscopic.epsilon_function(x,y,z), macroscopic.mu_function(x,y,z) (string)

    To initialize spatially varying conducitivy, permittivity, and permeability, respectively, using a mathematical function in the input. Constants required in the mathematical expression can be set using my_constants. These parameters are parsed if algo.em_solver_medium=macroscopic.

  • macroscopic.sigma, macroscopic.epsilon, (double)

    To initialize a constant conductivity, permittivity, and permeability of the computational medium, respectively. The default values are the corresponding values in vacuum.

  • interpolation.nox, interpolation.noy, interpolation.noz (1, 2, or 3 ; default: 1)

    The order of the shape factors for the macroparticles, for the 3 dimensions of space. Lower-order shape factors result in faster simulations, but more noisy results,

    Note that in the current implementation in WarpX these 3 numbers must be equal.

  • interpolation.galerkin_scheme (0 or 1)

    Whether to use a Galerkin scheme when gathering fields to particles. When set to 1, the interpolation orders used for field-gathering are reduced for certain field components along certain directions. For example, E_z is gathered using interpolation.nox, interpolation.noy, and interpolation.noz - 1. See equations 21-23 of (Godfrey and Vay, 2013) and associated references for details. Defaults to 1 unless warpx.do_nodal = 1 and/or algo.field_gathering = momentum-conserving.

  • warpx.do_dive_cleaning (0 or 1 ; default: 0)

    Whether to use modified Maxwell equations that progressively eliminate the error in \(div(E)-\rho\). This can be useful when using a current deposition algorithm which is not strictly charge-conserving, or when using mesh refinement. These modified Maxwell equation will cause the error to propagate (at the speed of light) to the boundaries of the simulation domain, where it can be absorbed.

  • warpx.do_nodal (0 or 1 ; default: 0)

    Whether to use a nodal grid (i.e. all fields are defined at the same points in space) or a staggered grid (i.e. Yee grid ; different fields are defined at different points in space)

  • warpx.do_subcycling (0 or 1; default: 0)

    Whether or not to use sub-cycling. Different refinement levels have a different cell size, which results in different Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) limits for the time step. By default, when using mesh refinement, the same time step is used for all levels. This time step is taken as the CFL limit of the finest level. Hence, for coarser levels, the timestep is only a fraction of the CFL limit for this level, which may lead to numerical artifacts. With sub-cycling, each level evolves with its own time step, set to its own CFL limit. In practice, it means that when level 0 performs one iteration, level 1 performs two iterations. Currently, this option is only supported when amr.max_level = 1. More information can be found at

  • psatd.nox, psatd.noy, pstad.noz (integer) optional (default 16 for all)

    The order of accuracy of the spatial derivatives, when using the code compiled with a PSATD solver. If psatd.periodic_single_box_fft is used, these can be set to inf for infinite-order PSATD.

  • psatd.nx_guard`, ``psatd.ny_guard, psatd.nz_guard (integer) optional

    The number of guard cells to use with PSATD solver. If not set by users, these values are calculated automatically and determined empirically and would be equal the order of the solver for nodal grid, and half the order of the solver for staggered.

  • psatd.periodic_single_box_fft (0 or 1; default: 0)

    If true, this will not incorporate the guard cells into the box over which FFTs are performed. This is only valid when WarpX is run with periodic boundaries and a single box. In this case, using psatd.periodic_single_box_fft is equivalent to using a global FFT over the whole domain. Therefore, all the approximations that are usually made when using local FFTs with guard cells (for problems with multiple boxes) become exact in the case of the periodic, single-box FFT without guard cells.

  • psatd.fftw_plan_measure (0 or 1)

    Defines whether the parameters of FFTW plans will be initialized by measuring and optimizing performance (FFTW_MEASURE mode; activated by default here). If psatd.fftw_plan_measure is set to 0, then the best parameters of FFTW plans will simply be estimated (FFTW_ESTIMATE mode). See this section of the FFTW documentation for more information.

  • psatd.current_correction (0 or 1; default: 0)

    If true, a current correction scheme in Fourier space is applied in order to guarantee charge conservation.

    If psatd.v_galilean is zero, the spectral solver used is the standard PSATD scheme described in (Vay et al, JCP 243, 2013) and the current correction reads

    \[\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}_{\mathrm{correct}} = \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} - \bigg(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} - i \frac{\widehat{\rho}^{n+1} - \widehat{\rho}^{n}}{\Delta{t}}\bigg) \frac{\boldsymbol{k}}{k^2}\]

    If psatd.v_galilean is non-zero, the spectral solver used is the Galilean PSATD scheme described in (Lehe et al, PRE 94, 2016) and the current correction reads

    \[\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}_{\mathrm{correct}} = \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} - \bigg(\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} - (\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{v}_G) \,\frac{\widehat\rho^{n+1} - \widehat\rho^{n}\theta^2}{1 - \theta^2}\bigg) \frac{\boldsymbol{k}}{k^2}\]

    where \(\theta=\exp(i\,\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{v}_G\,\Delta{t}/2)\).

    This option is currently implemented only for the standard PSATD and Galilean PSATD schemes, while it is not yet available for the averaged Galilean PSATD scheme (activated by the input parameter psatd.do_time_averaging).

    This option guarantees charge conservation only when used in combination with psatd.periodic_single_box_fft=1, namely for periodic single-box simulations with global FFTs without guard cells. The implementation for domain decomposition with local FFTs over guard cells is planned but not yet completed.

  • psatd.update_with_rho (0 or 1; default: 0)

    If true, the update equation for the electric field is expressed in terms of both the current density and the charge density, namely \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}\), \(\widehat\rho^{n}\), and \(\widehat\rho^{n+1}\). If false, instead, the update equation for the electric field is expressed in terms of the current density \(\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}\) only. If charge is expected to be conserved (by setting, for example, psatd.current_correction=1), then the two formulations are expected to be equivalent.

    This option is currently implemented only for the standard PSATD and Galilean PSATD schemes, while it is not yet available for the averaged Galilean PSATD scheme (activated by the input parameter psatd.do_time_averaging).

    If psatd.v_galilean is zero, the spectral solver used is the standard PSATD scheme described in (Vay et al, JCP 243, 2013):

    1. if psatd.update_with_rho=0, the update equation for the electric field reads

    \[\begin{split}\begin{split} \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n+1}= & \: C \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n} + i \, \frac{S c}{k} \boldsymbol{k}\times\widehat{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\,n} - \frac{S}{\epsilon_0 c \, k} \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} \\[0.2cm] & +\frac{1-C}{k^2} (\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n}) \boldsymbol{k} + \frac{1}{\epsilon_0 k^2} \left(\frac{S}{c \, k}-\Delta{t}\right) (\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}) \boldsymbol{k} \end{split}\end{split}\]
    1. if psatd.update_with_rho=1, the update equation for the electric field reads

    \[\begin{split}\begin{split} \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n+1}= & \: C\widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n} + i \, \frac{S c}{k} \boldsymbol{k}\times\widehat{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\,n} - \frac{S}{\epsilon_0 c \, k} \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} \\[0.2cm] & + \frac{i}{\epsilon_0 k^2} \left(C-\frac{S}{c\,k}\frac{1}{\Delta{t}}\right) \widehat{\rho}^{n} \boldsymbol{k} - \frac{i}{\epsilon_0 k^2} \left(1-\frac{S}{c \, k} \frac{1}{\Delta{t}}\right)\widehat{\rho}^{n+1} \boldsymbol{k} \end{split}\end{split}\]

    The coefficients \(C\) and \(S\) are defined in (Vay et al, JCP 243, 2013).

    If psatd.v_galilean is non-zero, the spectral solver used is the Galilean PSATD scheme described in (Lehe et al, PRE 94, 2016):

    1. if psatd.update_with_rho=0, the update equation for the electric field reads

    \[\begin{split}\begin{split} \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n+1} = & \: \theta^{2} C \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n} + i \, \theta^{2} \frac{S c}{k} \boldsymbol{k}\times\widehat{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\,n} + \frac{i \, \nu \, \theta \, \chi_1 - \theta^{2} S}{\epsilon_0 c \, k} \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} \\[0.2cm] & + \theta^{2} \frac{\chi_2-\chi_3}{k^{2}} (\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n}) \boldsymbol{k} + i \, \frac{\chi_2\left(\theta^{2}-1\right)}{\epsilon_0 c \, k^{3} \nu} (\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2}) \boldsymbol{k} \end{split}\end{split}\]
    1. if psatd.update_with_rho=1, the update equation for the electric field reads

    \[\begin{split}\begin{split} \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n+1} = & \: \theta^{2} C \widehat{\boldsymbol{E}}^{\,n} + i \, \theta^{2} \frac{S c}{k} \boldsymbol{k}\times\widehat{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\,n} + \frac{i \, \nu \, \theta \, \chi_1 - \theta^{2} S}{\epsilon_0 c \, k} \widehat{\boldsymbol{J}}^{\,n+1/2} \\[0.2cm] & + i \, \frac{\theta^{2} \chi_3}{\epsilon_0 k^{2}} \widehat{\rho}^{\,n} \boldsymbol{k} - i \, \frac{\chi_2}{\epsilon_0 k^{2}} \widehat{\rho}^{\,n+1} \boldsymbol{k} \end{split}\end{split}\]

    The coefficients \(C\), \(S\), \(\theta\), \(\nu\), \(\chi_1\), \(\chi_2\), and \(\chi_3\) are defined in (Lehe et al, PRE 94, 2016).

  • pstad.v_galilean (3 floats, in units of the speed of light; default 0. 0. 0.)

    Defines the galilean velocity. Non-zero v_galilean activates Galilean algorithm, which suppresses the Numerical Cherenkov instability in boosted-frame simulation. This requires the code to be compiled with USE_PSATD=TRUE. (see the sub-section Numerical Stability and alternate formulation in a Galilean frame in ../theory/boosted-frame). It also requires the use of the direct current deposition option algo.current_deposition = direct (does not work with Esirkepov algorithm).

  • psatd.do_time_averaging (0 or 1; default: 0)

    Whether to use an averaged Galilean PSATD algorithm or standard Galilean PSATD.

  • warpx.override_sync_int (string) optional (default 1)

    Using the Intervals parser syntax, this string defines the timesteps at which synchronization of sources (rho and J) on grid nodes at box boundaries is performed. Since the grid nodes at the interface between two neighbor boxes are duplicated in both boxes, an instability can occur if they have too different values. This option makes sure that they are synchronized periodically.

  • warpx.use_hybrid_QED (‘bool’; default: 0)

    Will use the Hybird QED Maxwell solver when pushing fields: a QED correction is added to the field solver to solve non-linear Maxwell’s equations, according to [Quantum Electrodynamics vacuum polarization solver, P. Carneiro et al., ArXiv 2016]. Note that this option can only be used with the PSATD build. Furthermore, warpx.do_nodal must be set to 1 which is not its default value.

  • warpx.quantum_xi (‘float’; default: 1.3050122.e-52)

    Overwrites the actual quantum parameter used in Maxwell’s QED equations. Assigning a value here will make the simulation unphysical, but will allow QED effects to become more apparent. Note that this option will only have an effect if the warpx.use_Hybrid_QED flag is also triggered.

  • warpx.do_device_synchronize_before_profile (bool) optional (default 1)

    When running in an accelerated platform, whether to call a deviceSynchronize around profiling regions. This allows the profiler to give meaningful timers, but (hardly) slows down the simulation.

  • warpx.sort_int (string) optional (defaults: -1 on CPU; 4 on GPU)

    Using the Intervals parser syntax, this string defines the timesteps at which particles are sorted by bin. If <=0, do not sort particles. It is turned on on GPUs for performance reasons (to improve memory locality).

  • warpx.sort_bin_size (list of int) optional (default 4 4 4)

    If sort_int is activated particles are sorted in bins of sort_bin_size cells. In 2D, only the first two elements are read.

Boundary conditions

  • warpx.do_pml (0 or 1; default: 1)

    Whether to add Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) around the simulation box, and around the refinement patches. See the section Boundary conditions for more details.

  • warpx.pml_ncell (int; default: 10)

    The depth of the PML, in number of cells.

  • warpx.pml_delta (int; default: 10)

    The characteristic depth, in number of cells, over which the absorption coefficients of the PML increases.

  • warpx.do_pml_in_domain (int; default: 0)

    Whether to create the PML inside the simulation area or outside. If inside, it allows the user to propagate particles in PML and to use extended PML

  • warpx.do_pml_has_particles (int; default: 0)

    Whether to propagate particles in PML or not. Can only be done if PML are in simulation domain, i.e. if warpx.do_pml_in_domain = 1.

  • warpx.do_pml_j_damping (int; default: 0)

    Whether to damp current in PML. Can only be used if particles are propagated in PML, i.e. if warpx.do_pml_has_particles = 1.

  • warpx.do_pml_Lo (2 ints in 2D, 3 ints in 3D; default: 1 1 1)

    The directions along which one wants a pml boundary condition for lower boundaries on mother grid.

  • warpx.do_pml_Hi (2 floats in 2D, 3 floats in 3D; default: 1 1 1)

    The directions along which one wants a pml boundary condition for upper boundaries on mother grid.

Diagnostics and output

In-situ visualization

WarpX has three types of diagnostics: FullDiagnostics consist in dumps of fields and particles at given iterations, BackTransformedDiagnostics are used when running a simulation in a boosted frame, to reconstruct output data to the lab frame, and ReducedDiags allow the user to compute some reduced quantity (particle temperature, max of a field) and write a small amount of data to text files. Similar to what is done for physical species, WarpX has a class Diagnostics that allows users to initialize different diagnostics, each of them with different fields, resolution and period. This currently applies to standard diagnostics, but should be extended to back-transformed diagnostics and reduced diagnostics (and others) in a near future.

Full Diagnostics

FullDiagnostics consist in dumps of fields and particles at given iterations. Similar to what is done for physical species, WarpX has a class Diagnostics that allows users to initialize different diagnostics, each of them with different fields, resolution and period. The user specifies the number of diagnostics and the name of each of them, and then specifies options for each of them separately. Note that some parameter (those that do not start with a <diag_name>. prefix) apply to all diagnostics. This should be changed in the future. In-situ capabilities can be used by turning on Sensei or Ascent (provided they are installed) through the output format, see below.

  • diagnostics.diags_names (list of string optional, default empty)

    Name of each diagnostics. example: diagnostics.diags_names = diag1 my_second_diag.

  • <diag_name>.period (string optional, default 0)

    Using the Intervals parser syntax, this string defines the timesteps at which data is dumped. Use a negative number or 0 to disable data dumping. This is 0 (disabled) by default. example: diag1.period = 10,20:25:1.

  • <diag_name>.diag_type (string)

    Type of diagnostics. So far, only Full is supported. example: diag1.diag_type = Full.

  • <diag_name>.format (string optional, default plotfile)

    Flush format. Possible values are:

    • plotfile for native AMReX format.

    • checkpoint for a checkpoint file, only works with <diag_name>.diag_type = Full.

    • openpmd for OpenPMD format openPMD. Requires to build WarpX with USE_OPENPMD=TRUE (see instructions).

    • ascent for in-situ visualization using Ascent.

    • sensei for in-situ visualization using Sensei.

    example: diag1.format = openpmd.

  • <diag_name>.sensei_config (string) Only read if <diag_name>.format = sensei. Points to the SENSEI XML file which selects and configures the desired back end.

  • <diag_name>.sensei_pin_mesh (integer; 0 by default) Only read if <diag_name>.format = sensei. When 1 lower left corner of the mesh is pinned to 0.,0.,0.

  • <diag_name>.openpmd_backend (bp, h5 or json) optional, only used if <diag_name>.format = openpmd

    I/O backend for openPMD data dumps. bp is the ADIOS I/O library, h5 is the HDF5 format, and json is a simple text format. json only works with serial/single-rank jobs. When WarpX is compiled with openPMD support, the first available backend in the order given above is taken.

  • <diag_name>.openpmd_tspf (bool, optional, default true) only read if <diag_name>.format = openpmd.

    Whether to write one file per timestep.

  • <diag_name>.fields_to_plot (list of strings, optional)

    Fields written to plotfiles. Possible values: Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz jx jy jz part_per_cell rho F part_per_grid part_per_proc divE divB. Default is <diag_name>.fields_to_plot = Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz jx jy jz.

  • <diag_name>.plot_raw_fields (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    By default, the fields written in the plot files are averaged on the nodes. When `warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1, then the raw (i.e. unaveraged) fields are also saved in the output files. Only works with <diag_name>.format = plotfile. See this section in the yt documentation for more details on how to view raw fields.

  • <diag_name>.plot_raw_fields_guards (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Only used when warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to include the guard cells in the output of the raw fields. Only works with <diag_name>.format = plotfile.

  • <diag_name>.plot_finepatch (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Only used when mesh refinement is activated and warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to output the data of the fine patch, in the plot files. Only works with <diag_name>.format = plotfile.

  • <diag_name>.plot_crsepatch (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Only used when mesh refinement is activated and warpx.plot_raw_fields is 1. Whether to output the data of the coarse patch, in the plot files. Only works with <diag_name>.format = plotfile.

  • <diag_name>.coarsening_ratio (list of int) optional (default 1 1 1)

    Reduce size of the field output by this ratio in each dimension. (This is done by averaging the field over 1 or 2 points along each direction, depending on the staggering). plot_coarsening_ratio should be an integer divisor of blocking_factor, defined in the parallelization section.

  • <diag_name>.file_prefix (string) optional (default diags/plotfiles/plt)

    Root for output file names. Supports sub-directories.

  • <diag_name>.diag_lo (list float, 1 per dimension) optional (default -infinity -infinity -infinity)

    Lower corner of the output fields (if smaller than warpx.dom_lo, then set to warpx.dom_lo). Currently, when the diag_lo is different from warpx.dom_lo, particle output is disabled.

  • <diag_name>.diag_hi (list float, 1 per dimension) optional (default +infinity +infinity +infinity)

    Higher corner of the output fields (if larger than warpx.dom_hi, then set to warpx.dom_hi). Currently, when the diag_hi is different from warpx.dom_hi, particle output i

s disabled.

  • <diag_name>.species (list of string, default all physical species in the simulation)

    Which species dumped in this diagnostics.

  • <diag_name>.<species_name>.variables (list of strings separated by spaces, optional)

    List of particle quantities or species-specific field quantities to write to output file. Choices are

    • w for the particle weight,

    • ux uy uz for the particle momentum,

    • rho to dump the charge density of the particles belonging to species <species_name>.

    By defaults, all quantities are written to output file, except the charge density. The particle positions are always included. Use <species>.variables = none to plot no particle data, except particle position.

  • <diag_name>.<species_name>.random_fraction (float) optional

    If provided <diag_name>.<species_name>.random_fraction = a, only a fraction of the particle data of this species will be dumped randomly in diag <diag_name>, i.e. if rand() < a, this particle will be dumped, where rand() denotes a random number generator. The value a provided should be between 0 and 1.

  • <diag_name>.<species_name>.uniform_stride (int) optional

    If provided <diag_name>.<species_name>.uniform_stride = n, every n particle of this species will be dumped, selected uniformly. The value provided should be an integer greater than or equal to 0.

  • <diag_name>.<species_name>.plot_filter_function(t,x,y,z,ux,uy,uz) (string) optional

    Users can provide an expression returning a boolean for whether a particle is dumped (the exact test is whether the return value is > 0.5). t represents the physical time in seconds during the simulation. x, y, z represent particle positions in the unit of meter. ux, uy, uz represent particle velocities in the unit of \(\gamma v/c\), where \(\gamma\) is the Lorentz factor, \(v/c\) is the particle velocity normalized by the speed of light. E.g. If provided (x>0.0)*(uz<10.0) only those particles located at positions x greater than 0, and those having velocity uz less than 10, will be dumped.

  • amrex.async_out (0 or 1) optional (default 0)

    Whether to use asynchronous IO when writing plotfiles. This only has an effect when using the AMReX plotfile format. Please see Visualizing the simulation results for more information.

  • amrex.async_out_nfiles (int) optional (default 64)

    The maximum number of files to write to when using asynchronous IO. To use asynchronous IO with more than amrex.async_out_nfiles MPI ranks, WarpX must be compiled with the MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE=TRUE flag. Please see Visualizing the simulation results for more information.

Back-Transformed Diagnostics

BackTransformedDiagnostics are used when running a simulation in a boosted frame, to reconstruct output data to the lab frame, and

  • warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics (0 or 1)

    Whether to use the back-transformed diagnostics (i.e. diagnostics that perform on-the-fly conversion to the laboratory frame, when running boosted-frame simulations)

  • warpx.lab_data_directory (string)

    The directory in which to save the lab frame data when using the back-transformed diagnostics. If not specified, the default is is lab_frame_data.

  • warpx.num_snapshots_lab (integer)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1. The number of lab-frame snapshots that will be written.

  • warpx.dt_snapshots_lab (float, in seconds)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1. The time interval inbetween the lab-frame snapshots (where this time interval is expressed in the laboratory frame).

  • warpx.dz_snapshots_lab (float, in meters)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1. Distance between the lab-frame snapshots (expressed in the laboratory frame). dt_snapshots_lab is then computed by dt_snapshots_lab = dz_snapshots_lab/c. Either dt_snapshots_lab or dz_snapshot_lab is required.

  • warpx.do_back_transformed_fields (0 or 1)

    Whether to use the back-transformed diagnostics for the fields.

  • warpx.back_transformed_diag_fields (space-separated list of string)

    Which fields to dumped in back-transformed diagnostics. Choices are ‘Ex’, ‘Ey’, Ez’, ‘Bx’, ‘By’, Bz’, ‘jx’, ‘jy’, jz’ and ‘rho’. Example: warpx.back_transformed_diag_fields = Ex Ez By. By default, all fields are dumped.

  • slice.num_slice_snapshots_lab (integer)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1. The number of back-transformed field and particle data that will be written for the reduced domain defined by slice.dom_lo and slice.dom_hi. Note that the ‘slice’ is a reduced diagnostic which could be 1D, 2D, or 3D, aligned with the co-ordinate axes. These slices can be visualized using and the HDF5 format can be visualized using the h5py library. Please see the documentation on visualization for further details.

  • slice.dt_slice_snapshots_lab (float, in seconds)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1. The time interval between the back-transformed reduced diagnostics (where this time interval is expressed in the laboratory frame).

  • slice.particle_slice_width_lab (float, in meters)

    Only used when warpx.do_back_transformed_diagnostics is 1 and slice.num_slice_snapshots_lab is non-zero. Particles are copied from the full back-transformed diagnostic to the reduced slice diagnostic if there are within the user-defined width from the slice region defined by slice.dom_lo and slice.dom_hi.

Reduced Diagnostics

ReducedDiags allow the user to compute some reduced quantity (particle temperature, max of a field) and write a small amount of data to text files.

  • warpx.reduced_diags_names (strings, separated by spaces)

    The names given by the user of simple reduced diagnostics. Also the names of the output .txt files. This reduced diagnostics aims to produce simple outputs of the time history of some physical quantities. If warpx.reduced_diags_names is not provided in the input file, no reduced diagnostics will be done. This is then used in the rest of the input deck; in this documentation we use <reduced_diags_name> as a placeholder.

  • <reduced_diags_name>.type (string)

    The type of reduced diagnostics associated with this <reduced_diags_name>. For example, ParticleEnergy and FieldEnergy. All available types will be described below in detail. For all reduced diagnostics, the first and the second columns in the output file are the time step and the corresponding physical time in seconds, respectively.

    • ParticleEnergy

      This type computes both the total and the mean relativistic particle kinetic energy among all species.

      \[E_p = \sum_{i=1}^N ( \sqrt{ p_i^2 c^2 + m_0^2 c^4 } - m_0 c^2 ) w_i\]

      where \(p\) is the relativistic momentum, \(c\) is the speed of light, \(m_0\) is the rest mass, \(N\) is the number of particles, \(w\) is the individual particle weight.

      The output columns are total \(E_p\) of all species, \(E_p\) of each species, total mean energy \(E_p / \sum w_i\), mean energy of each species.

    • FieldEnergy

      This type computes the electric and magnetic field energy.

      \[E_f = \sum [ \varepsilon_0 E^2 / 2 + B^2 / ( 2 \mu_0 ) ] \Delta V\]

      where \(E\) is the electric field, \(B\) is the magnetic field, \(\varepsilon_0\) is the vacuum permittivity, \(\mu_0\) is the vacuum permeability, \(\Delta V\) is the cell volume (or area for 2D), the sum is over all cells.

      The output columns are total field energy \(E_f\), \(E\) field energy, \(B\) field energy, at mesh refinement levels from 0 to \(n\).

    • FieldMaximum

      This type computes the maximum value of each component of the electric and magnetic fields and of the norm of the electric and magnetic field vectors. Measuring maximum fields in a plasma might be very noisy in PIC, use this instead for analysis of scenarios such as an electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum.

      The output columns are the maximum value of the \(E_x\) field, the maximum value of the \(E_y\) field, the maximum value of the \(E_z\) field, the maximum value of the norm \(|E|\) of the electric field, the maximum value of the \(B_x\) field, the maximum value of the \(B_y\) field, the maximum value of the \(B_z\) field and the maximum value of the norm \(|B|\) of the magnetic field, at mesh refinement levels from 0 to \(n\).

    • BeamRelevant

      This type computes properties of a particle beam relevant for particle accelerators, like position, momentum, emittance, etc.

      <reduced_diags_name>.species must be provided, such that the diagnostics are done for this (beam-like) species only.

      The output columns (for 3D-XYZ) are the following, where the average is done over the whole species (typical usage: the particle beam is in a separate species):

      [1], [2], [3]: The mean values of beam positions (m) \(\langle x \rangle\), \(\langle y \rangle\), \(\langle z \rangle\).

      [4], [5], [6]: The mean values of beam relativistic momenta (kg m/s) \(\langle p_x \rangle\), \(\langle p_y \rangle\), \(\langle p_z \rangle\).

      [7]: The mean Lorentz factor \(\langle \gamma \rangle\).

      [8], [9], [10]: The RMS values of beam positions (m) \(\delta_x = \sqrt{ \langle (x - \langle x \rangle)^2 \rangle }\), \(\delta_y = \sqrt{ \langle (y - \langle y \rangle)^2 \rangle }\), \(\delta_z = \sqrt{ \langle (z - \langle z \rangle)^2 \rangle }\).

      [11], [12], [13]: The RMS values of beam relativistic momenta (kg m/s) \(\delta_{px} = \sqrt{ \langle (p_x - \langle p_x \rangle)^2 \rangle }\), \(\delta_{py} = \sqrt{ \langle (p_y - \langle p_y \rangle)^2 \rangle }\), \(\delta_{pz} = \sqrt{ \langle (p_z - \langle p_z \rangle)^2 \rangle }\).

      [14]: The RMS value of the Lorentz factor \(\sqrt{ \langle (\gamma - \langle \gamma \rangle)^2 \rangle }\).

      [15], [16], [17]: beam projected transverse RMS normalized emittance (m) \(\epsilon_x = \dfrac{1}{mc} \sqrt{\delta_x^2 \delta_{px}^2 - \Big\langle (x-\langle x \rangle) (p_x-\langle p_x \rangle) \Big\rangle^2}\), \(\epsilon_y = \dfrac{1}{mc} \sqrt{\delta_y^2 \delta_{py}^2 - \Big\langle (y-\langle y \rangle) (p_y-\langle p_y \rangle) \Big\rangle^2}\), \(\epsilon_z = \dfrac{1}{mc} \sqrt{\delta_z^2 \delta_{pz}^2 - \Big\langle (z-\langle z \rangle) (p_z-\langle p_z \rangle) \Big\rangle^2}\).

      [18]: The charge of the beam (C).

      For 2D-XZ, \(\langle y \rangle\), \(\delta_y\), and \(\epsilon_y\) will not be outputed.

    • LoadBalanceCosts

      This type computes the cost, used in load balancing, for each box on the domain. The cost \(c\) is computed as

      \[c = n_{\text{particle}} \cdot w_{\text{particle}} + n_{\text{cell}} \cdot w_{\text{cell}},\]

      where \(n_{\text{particle}}\) is the number of particles on the box, \(w_{\text{particle}}\) is the particle cost weight factor (controlled by algo.costs_heuristic_particles_wt), \(n_{\text{cell}}\) is the number of cells on the box, and \(w_{\text{cell}}\) is the cell cost weight factor (controlled by algo.costs_heuristic_cells_wt).

    • ParticleHistogram

      This type computes a user defined particle histogram.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.species (string)

        A species name must be provided, such that the diagnostics are done for this species.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.histogram_function(t,x,y,z,ux,uy,uz) (string)

        A histogram function must be provided. t represents the physical time in seconds during the simulation. x, y, z represent particle positions in the unit of meter. ux, uy, uz represent the particle velocities in the unit of \(\gamma v/c\), where \(\gamma\) is the Lorentz factor, \(v/c\) is the particle velocity normalized by the speed of light. E.g. x produces the position (density) distribution in x. ux produces the velocity distribution in x, sqrt(ux*ux+uy*uy+uz*uz) produces the speed distribution. The default value of the histogram without normalization is \(f = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N w_i\), where \(\sum\limits_{i=1}^N\) is the sum over \(N\) particles in that bin, \(w_i\) denotes the weight of the ith particle.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.bin_number (int > 0)

        This is the number of bins used for the histogram.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.bin_max (float)

        This is the maximum value of the bins.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.bin_min (float)

        This is the minimum value of the bins.

      • <reduced_diags_name>.normalization (optional)

        This provides options to normalize the histogram:

        unity_particle_weight uses unity particle weight to compute the histogram, such that the values of the histogram are the number of counted macroparticles in that bin, i.e. \(f = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N 1\), \(N\) is the number of particles in that bin.

        max_to_unity will normalize the histogram such that its maximum value is one.

        area_to_unity will normalize the histogram such that the area under the histogram is one, so the histogram is also the probability density function.

        If nothing is provided, the macroparticle weight will be used to compute the histogram, and no normalization will be done.

      The output columns are values of the 1st bin, the 2nd bin, …, the nth bin. An example input file and a loading pything script of using the histogram reduced diagnostics are given in Examples/Tests/initial_distribution/.

  • <reduced_diags_name>.frequency (string) optional (default 1)

    Using the Intervals Parser syntax, this string defines the timesteps at which reduced diagnostics are written to file.

  • <reduced_diags_name>.path (string) optional (default ./diags/reducedfiles/)

    The path that the output file will be stored.

  • <reduced_diags_name>.extension (string) optional (default txt)

    The extension of the output file.

  • <reduced_diags_name>.separator (string) optional (default a whitespace)

    The separator between row values in the output file. The default separator is a whitespace.

Lookup tables and other settings for QED modules

Lookup tables store pre-computed values for functions used by the QED modules. **This feature requires to compile with QED=TRUE (and also with QED_TABLE_GEN=TRUE for table generation) **

  • qed_bw.lookup_table_mode (string)

    There are three options to prepare the lookup table required by the Breit-Wheeler module:

    • builtin: a built-in table is used (Warning: the table gives reasonable results but its resolution

    is quite low).

    • generate: a new table is generated. This option requires Boost math library (version >= 1.66) and to compile with QED_TABLE_GEN=TRUE. All the following parameters must be specified (table 1 is used to evolve the optical depth of the photons, while table 2 is used for pair generation):

      • qed_bw.tab_dndt_chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter for lookup table 1 ( used for the evolution of the optical depth of the photons)

      • qed_bw.tab_dndt_chi_max (float): maximum chi parameter for lookup table 1

      • qed_bw.tab_dndt_how_many (int): number of points to be used for lookup table 1

      • qed_bw.tab_pair_chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter for lookup table 2 ( used for pair generation)

      • qed_bw.tab_pair_chi_max (float): maximum chi parameter for lookup table 2

      • qed_bw.tab_pair_chi_how_many (int): number of points to be used for chi axis in lookup table 2

      • qed_bw.tab_pair_frac_how_many (int): number of points to be used for the second axis in lookup table 2 (the second axis is the ratio between the quantum parameter of the less energetic particle of the pair and the quantum parameter of the photon).

      • qed_bw.save_table_in (string): where to save the lookup table

    • load: a lookup table is loaded from a pre-generated binary file. The following parameter must be specified:

      • qed_bw.load_table_from (string): name of the lookup table file to read from.

  • qed_qs.lookup_table_mode (string)

    There are three options to prepare the lookup table required by the Quantum Synchrotron module:

    • builtin: a built-in table is used (Warning: the table gives reasonable results but its resolution

    is quite low).

    • generate: a new table is generated. This option requires Boost math library (version >= 1.66) and to compile with QED_TABLE_GEN=TRUE. All the following parameters must be specified (table 1 is used to evolve the optical depth of the particles, while table 2 is used for photon emission):

      • qed_qs.tab_dndt_chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter for lookup table 1 ( used for the evolution of the optical depth of electrons and positrons)

      • qed_qs.tab_dndt_chi_max (float): maximum chi parameter for lookup table 1

      • qed_qs.tab_dndt_how_many (int): number of points to be used for lookup table 1

      • qed_qs.tab_em_chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter for lookup table 2 ( used for photon emission)

      • qed_qs.tab_em_chi_max (float): maximum chi parameter for lookup table 2

      • qed_qs.tab_em_chi_how_many (int): number of points to be used for chi axis in lookup table 2

      • qed_qs.tab_em_frac_how_many (int): number of points to be used for the second axis in lookup table 2 (the second axis is the ratio between the quantum parameter of the photon and the quantum parameter of the charged particle).

      • qed_qs.tab_em_frac_min (float): minimum value to be considered for the second axis of lookup table 2

      • qed_bw.save_table_in (string): where to save the lookup table

    • load: a lookup table is loaded from a pre-generated binary file. The following parameter must be specified:

      • qed_qs.load_table_from (string): name of the lookup table file to read from.

  • qed_bw.chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter to be considered by the Breit-Wheeler engine

    (suggested value : 0.01)

  • qed_qs.chi_min (float): minimum chi parameter to be considered by the Quantum Synchrotron engine

    (suggested value : 0.001)

  • qed_qs.photon_creation_energy_threshold (float) optional (default 2)

    Energy threshold for photon particle creation in *me*c^2 units.

  • warpx.do_qed_schwinger (bool) optional (default 0)

    If this is 1, Schwinger electron-positron pairs can be generated in vacuum in the cells where the EM field is high enough. Activating the Schwinger process requires the code to be compiled with QED=TRUE and PICSAR. If warpx.do_qed_schwinger = 1, Schwinger product species must be specified with qed_schwinger.ele_product_species and qed_schwinger.pos_product_species. Note: implementation of this feature is in progress. So far it requires warpx.do_nodal=1 and does not support mesh refinement, cylindrical coordinates or single precision.

  • qed_schwinger.ele_product_species (string)

    If Schwinger process is activated, an electron product species must be specified (the name of an existing electron species must be provided).

  • qed_schwinger.pos_product_species (string)

    If Schwinger process is activated, a positron product species must be specified (the name of an existing positron species must be provided).

  • qed_schwinger.y_size (float; in meters)

    If Schwinger process is activated with DIM=2D, a transverse size must be specified. It is used to convert the pair production rate per unit volume into an actual number of created particles. This value should correspond to the typical transverse extent for which the EM field has a very high value (e.g. the beam waist for a focused laser beam).

  • qed_schwinger.threshold_poisson_gaussian (integer) optional (default 25)

    If the expected number of physical pairs created in a cell at a given timestep is smaller than this threshold, a Poisson distribution is used to draw the actual number of physical pairs created. Otherwise a Gaussian distribution is used. Note that, regardless of this parameter, the number of macroparticles created is at most one per cell per timestep per species (with a weight corresponding to the number of physical pairs created).

Checkpoints and restart

WarpX supports checkpoints/restart via AMReX. The checkpoint capability can be turned with regular diagnostics: <diag_name>.format = checkpoint.

  • amr.restart (string)

    Name of the checkpoint file to restart from. Returns an error if the folder does not exist or if it is not properly formatted.

Intervals parser

WarpX can parse time step interval expressions of the form start:stop:period, e.g. 1:2:3, 4::, 5:6, :, ::10. A comma is used as a separator between groups of intervals, which we call slices. The resulting time steps are the union set of all given slices. White spaces are ignored. A single slice can have 0, 1 or 2 colons :, just as numpy slices, but with inclusive upper bound for stop.

  • For 0 colon the given value is the period

  • For 1 colon the given string is of the type start:stop

  • For 2 colons the given string is of the type start:stop:period

Any value that is not given is set to default. Default is 0 for the start, std::numeric_limits<int>::max() for the stop and 1 for the period. For the 1 and 2 colon syntax, actually having the integers in the string is optional (this means that ::5, 100 ::10 and 100 : are all valid syntaxes).


  • something_int = 50 -> do something at timesteps 0, 50, 100, 150, etc. (equivalent to something_int = ::50)

  • something_int = 300:600:100 -> do something at timesteps 300, 400, 500 and 600.

  • something_int = 300::50 -> do something at timesteps 300, 350, 400, 450, etc.

  • something_int = 105:108,205:208 -> do something at timesteps 105, 106, 107, 108, 205, 206, 207 and 208. (equivalent to something_int = 105 : 108 : , 205 : 208 :)

  • something_int = : or something_int = :: -> do something at every timestep.

  • something_int = 167:167,253:253,275:425:50 do something at timesteps 167, 253, 275, 325, 375 and 425.

This is essentially the python slicing syntax except that the stop is inclusive (0:100 contains 100) and that no colon means that the given value is the period.

Note that if a given period is zero or negative, the correspoding slice is disregarded. For example, something_int = -1 deactivates something and something_int = ::-1,100:1000:25 is equivalent to something_int = 100:1000:25.