How to run a new simulationΒΆ

After compiling the code, the WarpX executable is stored in the folder warpx/Bin. (Its name starts with main but depends on the compiler options.)

In order to run a new simulation:

  • Create a new directory, where the simulation will be run.

  • Copy the executable to this directory:

cp warpx/Bin/<warpx_executable> <run_directory>/warpx.exe

where <warpx_executable> should be replaced by the actual name of the executable (see above) and <run_directory> by the actual path to the run directory.

  • Add an input file in the directory.

This file contains the numerical and physical parameters that define the situation to be simulated. Example input files can be found in the section Example input files. The different parameters in these files are explained in the section Input parameters.

  • Run the executable:

mpirun -np <n_ranks> ./warpx.exe <input_file>

where <n_ranks> is the number of MPI ranks used, and <input_file> is the name of the input file.