Building/installing WarpX

WarpX can be built with various options. This page describes the most basic build, and points to instructions for more advanced builds.

Even if you are interested in more advanced builds, we recommend reading this page first.

Downloading the source code

Clone the source codes of WarpX, and its dependencies AMReX and PICSAR into one single directory (e.g. warpx_directory):

mkdir warpx_directory
cd warpx_directory
git clone --branch dev
git clone --branch master
git clone --branch development

Basic compilation

WarpX requires a C/C++ and Fortran compiler (e.g., GCC or Intel) and an MPI implementation (e.g., OpenMPI or MPICH). Then cd into the directory WarpX and type

make -j 4

This will generate an executable file in the Bin directory.


The compilation options are set in the file GNUmakefile. The default options correspond to an optimized code for 3D geometry. You can modify the options in this file in order to (for instance):

  • Use 2D geometry
  • Disable OpenMP
  • Profile or debug the code
  • Choose a given compiler

For a description of these different options, see the corresponding page in the AMReX documentation.

Alternatively, instead of modifying the file GNUmakefile, you can directly pass the options in command line ; for instance:

make -j 4 USE_OMP=FALSE

In order to clean a previously compiled version:

make realclean