Namespaces | Variables
constant.H File Reference
#include <AMReX_REAL.H>

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static constexpr amrex::Real ablastr::constant::math::pi = 3.14159265358979323846_rt
 ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter More...
static constexpr amrex::Real ablastr::constant::math::tau = 2.0_rt * pi
 https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::c = 299'792'458._rt
 vacuum speed of light [m/s] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::ep0 = 8.8541878128e-12_rt
 vacuum permittivity: dielectric permittivity of vacuum [F/m] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::mu0 = 1.25663706212e-06_rt
 vacuum permeability: magnetic permeability of vacuum = 4.0e-7 * pi [H/m] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::q_e = 1.602176634e-19_rt
 elementary charge [C] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::m_e = 9.1093837015e-31_rt
 electron mass [kg] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::m_p = 1.67262192369e-27_rt
 proton mass [kg] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::m_u = 1.66053906660e-27_rt
 dalton: unified atomic mass unit [kg] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::hbar = 1.054571817e-34_rt
 reduced Planck Constant = h / tau [J*s] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::alpha = 0.007297352573748943_rt
 fine-structure constant = mu0/(4*pi)*q_e*q_e*c/hbar [dimensionless] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::r_e = 2.817940326204929e-15_rt
 classical electron radius = 1./(4*pi*ep0) * q_e*q_e/(m_e*c*c) [m] More...
static constexpr double ablastr::constant::SI::xi = 1.3050122447005176e-52
 xi: nonlinearity parameter of Heisenberg-Euler effective theory = (2.*alpha*alpha*ep0*ep0*hbar*hbar*hbar)/(45.*m_e*m_e*m_e*m_e*c*c*c*c*c) More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::xi_c2 = 1.1728865132395492e-35_rt
 xi times c2 = xi*c*c. This should be usable for single precision instead of xi; very close to smallest float32 number possible (1.2e-38) More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::kb = 1.380649e-23_rt
 Boltzmann constant (exact) [J/K]. More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::eV = q_e
 1 eV in [J] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::MeV = q_e * 1e6_rt
 1 MeV in [J] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::eV_invc = eV / c
 1 eV/c in [kg*m/s] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::MeV_invc = MeV / c
 1 MeV/c in [kg*m/s] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::eV_invc2 = eV / (c * c)
 1 eV/c^2 in [kg] More...
static constexpr auto ablastr::constant::SI::MeV_invc2 = MeV / (c * c)
 1 MeV/c^2 in [kg] More...