Checksum regression tests

WarpX has checksum regression tests: as part of CI testing, when running a given test, the checksum module computes one aggregated number per field (Ex_checksum = np.sum(np.abs(Ex))) and compares it to a reference (benchmark). This should be sensitive enough to make the test fail if your PR causes a significant difference, print meaningful error messages, and give you a chance to fix a bug or reset the benchmark if needed.

The checksum module is located in Regression/Checksum/, and the benchmarks are stored as human-readable JSON files in Regression/Checksum/benchmarks_json/, with one file per benchmark (for instance, test Langmuir_2d has a corresponding benchmark Regression/Checksum/benchmarks_json/Langmuir_2d.json).

For more details on the implementation, the Python files in Regression/Checksum/ should be well documented.

From a user point of view, you should only need to use It contains Python functions that can be imported and used from an analysis Python script. It can also be executed directly as a Python script. Here are recipies for the main tasks related to checksum regression tests in WarpX CI.

Include a checksum regression test in an analysis Python script

This relies on function evaluate_checksum:

Checksum.checksumAPI.evaluate_checksum(test_name, plotfile, rtol=1e-09, atol=1e-40, do_fields=True, do_particles=True)

Compare plotfile checksum with benchmark.
Read checksum from input plotfile, read benchmark
corresponding to test_name, and assert their equality.

test_name: string
    Name of test, as found between [] in .ini file.

plotfile : string
    Plotfile from which the checksum is computed.

rtol: float, default=1.e-9
    Relative tolerance for the comparison.

atol: float, default=1.e-40
    Absolute tolerance for the comparison.

do_fields: bool, default=True
    Whether to compare fields in the checksum.

do_particles: bool, default=True
    Whether to compare particles in the checksum.

For an example, see

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import re
import sys

sys.path.insert(1, '../../../../warpx/Regression/Checksum/')
import checksumAPI

# this will be the name of the plot file
fn = sys.argv[1]

# Get name of the test
test_name = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[1]

# Run checksum regression test
if 'single_precision', fn ):
    checksumAPI.evaluate_checksum(test_name, fn, rtol=2.e-6)
    checksumAPI.evaluate_checksum(test_name, fn)

This can also be included in an existing analysis script. Note that the plotfile must be <test name>_plt?????, as is generated by the CI framework.

Evaluate a checksum regression test from a bash terminal

You can execute as a Python script for that, and pass the plotfile that you want to evaluate, as well as the test name (so the script knows which benchmark to compare it to).

./ --evaluate --plotfile <path/to/plotfile> --test-name <test name>

See additional options

  • --skip-fields if you don’t want the fields to be compared (in that case, the benchmark must not have fields)

  • --skip-particles same thing for particles

  • --rtol relative tolerance for the comparison

  • --atol absolute tolerance for the comparison (a sum of both is used by numpy.isclose())

Reset a benchmark from a plotfile you know is correct

This is using as a Python script.

./ --reset-benchmark --plotfile <path/to/plotfile> --test-name <test name>

See additional options

  • --skip-fields if you don’t want the benchmark to have fields

  • --skip-particles same thing for particles

Since this will automatically change the JSON file stored on the repo, make a separate commit just for this file, and if possible commit it under the Tools name:

git add <test name>.json
git commit -m "reset benchmark for <test name> because ..." --author="Tools <>"