Visualizing back-transformed diagnostics

When running a simulation in a boosted frame, WarpX has the capability to back-transform the simulation results to the laboratory frame of reference, which is often useful to study the physics. A set of functions can be found in the python file The main commands can be found in our example jupyter notebook for postprocessing Visualization.ipynb.

The full back-transformed diagnostics of the entire domain is written in lab_frame_data/snapshots/ and the back-transformed diagnostics of the reduced domain is written to lab_frame_data/slices/ For instance: To plot the Ez field along the z-direction at the center of the 3D-domain of the full back-transformed diagnostics for the entire 3D domain:

import read_raw_data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

iteration = 0
field = 'Ez'
snapshot = './lab_frame_data/snapshots/' + 'snapshot' + str(iteration).zfill(5)
header   = './lab_frame_data/snapshots/Header'
allrd, info = read_raw_data.read_lab_snapshot(snapshot, header) # Read field data
F = allrd[field]

Similarly, the back-transformed diagnostics on a reduced domain (1D line, 2D slice, 3D reduced diagnostic) can also be visualized using For instance – let us say that the user-input is an “x-z” slice (at the center of the domain in the “y-direction”), then, to plot Ez on this x-z slice:

iteration = 0
field = 'Ez'
snapshot = './lab_frame_data/slices/' + 'slice' + str(iteration).zfill(5)
header   = './lab_frame_data/slices/Header'
allrd, info = read_raw_data.read_lab_snapshot(snapshot, header) # Read field data
F_RD = allrd[field]

Note that, in the above snippet, we compare the 0th cell of the reduced diagnostic with F.shape[1]//2-1. For an x-z slice at y=y-mid of the domain, two cells are extracted at the center to ensure that the data format is HDF5 compliant. Let us consider that the domain consists of four cells in the y-dimension: [0,1,2,3], Then the 2D slice would contain the data that corresponds to [1,2]. That is the 0th cell of the reduced diagnostic corresponds to ny/2-1, (where, ny is the number of cells in the y-dimension).

If the back-transformed diagnostics are written in the HDF5 format (This can be done by compiling WarpX with USE_HDF5=TRUE), then the full domain snapshot and reduced domain diagnostics can be visualized using h5py:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py

f1 = h5py.File('lab_frame_data/snapshots/snapshot00000', 'r')
nx1 = f1['Ez'].shape[0]
ny1 = f1['Ez'].shape[1]
nz1 = f1['Ez'].shape[2]

f2 = h5py.File('lab_frame_data/slices/slice00000', 'r')
nx2 = f2['Ez'].shape[0]
ny2 = f2['Ez'].shape[1]
nz2 = f2['Ez'].shape[2]

The back-transformed particle data on the full and reduced diagnostic can be visualized as follows

iteration = 1

snapshot = './lab_frame_data/snapshots/' + 'snapshot' + str(iteration).zfill(5)
xbo = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'x') # Read particle data
ybo = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'y')
zbo = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'z')

snapshot = './lab_frame_data/slices/' + 'slice' + str(iteration).zfill(5)
xbo_slice = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'x') # Read particle data
ybo_slice = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'y')
zbo_slice = get_particle_field(snapshot, species, 'z')
plt.plot(xbo, ybo, 'r.', markersize=1.)
plt.plot(xbo_slice, ybo_slice, 'bx', markersize=1.)