
Create a new Github release

WarpX has one release per month. In order to create a release, you need to:

  1. Create a new branch from development and update the version number in all source files. There is a script for that, so you can do:

    cd Tools/DevUtils/
    ./ # This replaces the old version number with the new one.

    Then open a PR, as usual. NOTE: do not merge this PR before step 2 is completed.

  2. Click the Draft a new release button at and follow instructions. Please specify the compatible versions of dependencies (see previous releases), and provide info on the content of the release. In order to get a list of PRs merged since last release, you may run

    git log --since=<date> | grep -A 3 "Author: " | grep -B 1 "\-\-" | sed '/--/d' | sed -e 's/^    /- /'

    where <date> is the date of the last release, say 2020-05-01 if the last release was on May 1, 2020.

  3. Optional: create a release-<version> branch, write a changelog, and backport bug-fixes for a few days.