Cori (NERSC)

Standard build

For the Cori cluster at NERSC, you need to type the following command when compiling:


In order to compile the code with a spectral solver, type

module load cray-fftw

before typing any of the commands below, and add USE_PSATD=TRUE at the end of the command containing make.

In order to compile for the Haswell architecture:

  • with the Intel compiler

make -j 16 COMP=intel
  • with the GNU compiler (COMP=gcc is the corresponding optional flag)

module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
make -j 16 COMP=gcc

In order to compile for the Knight’s Landing (KNL) architecture:

  • with the Intel compiler

module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl
make -j 16 COMP=intel
  • with the GNU compiler

module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
make -j 16 COMP=gcc

See Running on specific platforms for more information on how to run WarpX on Cori.

GPU Build

To compile on the experimental GPU nodes on Cori, you first need to purge your modules, most of which won’t work on the GPU nodes.

module purge

Then, you need to load the following modules:

module load modules esslurm gcc/7.3.0 cuda mvapich2

You can also use OpenMPI-UCX instead of mvapich: openmpi/4.0.1-ucx-1.6.

Then, you need to use slurm to request access to a GPU node:

salloc -C gpu -N 1 -t 30 -c 10 --gres=gpu:1 -A m1759

This reserves 10 logical cores (5 physical), 1 GPU. The latest documentation can be found here: Note that you can’t cross-compile for the GPU nodes - you have to log on to one and then build your software.

Finally, navigate to the base of the WarpX repository and compile in GPU mode:

make -j 16 USE_GPU=TRUE

Building WarpX with openPMD support

First, load the appropriate modules:

module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
module load cmake/3.14.4
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load adios2/2.5.0

Then, in the warpx_directory, download and build openPMD-api:

git clone
mkdir openPMD-api-build
cd openPMD-api-build
cmake --build . --target install --parallel 16

Finally, compile WarpX:

cd ../WarpX
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/../openPMD-install/lib64/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
make -j 16 COMP=gcc USE_OPENPMD=TRUE

In order to run WarpX, load the same modules again.

Building a Python Module

When building with Python, it is recommended to use the cray-python, version 3. For example,

module load cray-python/

Otherwise, follow the instructions for a general Python install here Installing WarpX as a Python package.